Discussion and Listening

I previously choose to work on my discussion and listening skills. My goal was to raise my hand at least once per class and to try not to get as embarrassed as I normally do. So far, I have been raising my hand more often. Maybe not every class, but for a lot of them. I still have to work on not getting so nervous, and I think this is what is stopping me. I do not think I will completely eradicate my anxiousness, but I can get better. I will continue to work on participating more in class.

Morning News-American Pharaoh’s Babies

May 6th

After American Pharaoh won the Triple Crown he certainly attracted a lot of attention for breeding. About 22,500 babies were born from American Pharaoh in North America in 2016. A lot of the babies share similar traits to their father, American Pharaoh: Mild temperaments, curious mind, and a strong body. These foals will certainly make for strong horses. Speaking of the foals no more then 20 of them will be competed in the Kentucky Derby. This relates to us because some of us like watching the horse races, or just like animals and horses in general.

I got this article from: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/05/sports/horse-racing/kentucky-derby-american-pharoah-foals.html?_r=0




Group 1

group1 from LREI on Vimeo.

I didn’t really like this assignment because I didn’t like to preform in front of many people. I also prefer to play a song of my choice, I didn’t get a lot of a choice. Next time I would like to choose my group and I think if we are all apart of groups that we want to be in we will have a better result. Also that day my saxophone was broken so it didn’t sound that great.


The highlight of my spring break is cleaning/decorating a tree house with Sophia and Lucia. The tree house was at Sophia’s country house in Connecticut. It was meaningful to me because I got to act like an interior designer. I found out how much I liked to design places. I found a way to express my creativeness into something besides drawing and writing. What we actually did was first cleaning up all the leaves and poop (we actually found animal poop inside of the tree house, we think it was a raccoon). Then we went to a hardware shop to see if we can find any decorations for the hang up. We came back with two solar powered lanterns, twelve mason jars, twelve fake candles (we put them inside of the mason jars), a smaller broom, a hanging platform (originally for bird seed), a small fake plant (we put that inside of the hanging platform), and a plastic basket to pack our stuff in. After we got back we remembered that we wanted some chairs so we can sit down. We already had a stool but we planned on that being a table. So we explored the creepy storage barn. Inside of the barn we found a woven basket (to use as a third chair and to put the mason jars in when we leave), and two wire chairs with wooden seats. Sophia’s mom also found some table cloths, and fairy lights for us. So after a couple hours of sweeping and moving furniture around (with a splinter in my finger) we finished our final results. Sophia, Lucia, and I were very proud of our finished project. The next morning we decided to take some pictures but it was raining so we had to take them quick. So that was my trip to Connecticut.


This is us the rainy morning after we finished the tree house. Lucia and Sophia are inside of the tree house.

To be or to not be a planet that is the question on everyone’s mind

To be or to not be a planet that is the question on everyone’s mind. Finally after a long 11 years Pluto might be a planet again! When our parents were growing up they learned about the solar system which included Pluto. The furthest planet from the sun; small and cold but loved by many.  Once the news broke in 2006 that the definition of a planet altered how Pluto was going to be categorized, many were perplexed.  Pluto was now being demoted to a dwarf planet and was eliminated from many children’s books.  But today there are a group scientists that are diving in to what is truly the definition of a planet.  Though this is not the first time scientists have argued this point, it is the first time the International Astronomical Union (IAU is a group of astronomers from all over the world whose mission is to protect the science of astronomy) will be forced to make a decision. With this I am rooting for Pluto to be reinstated back into our solar system as a legitimate planet.




Morning News-Election Day!


To win Presidency you need to collect 270 electoral votes. The Electoral College is made up of 538 electors, they cast votes for the President and Vice-President of the United States. Our votes are called popular votes. The popular votes determine who we give the electoral votes too. All states but 2 (Maine, and Nebraska) give the electoral votes away with the method of “winner take all”. Currently (as of 11/5) counting all the states that are solidly or leaning in her direction, Clinton is at a total of 268 electoral votes. Trump is at 207 votes when you count all the solidly and leaning states in his direction. This is only a prediction and we will have to see on Election Day who wins.

I got this information from http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/04/politics/road-to-270-electoral-college-map-november-4-duplicate/index.html


Solid Republican: Alabama (9), Alaska (3), Arkansas (6), Idaho (4), Indiana (11), Kansas (6), Kentucky (8), Louisiana (8), Mississippi (6), Missouri (10), Montana (3), Nebraska (4), North Dakota (3), Oklahoma (7), South Carolina (9), South Dakota (3), Tennessee (11), Texas (38), West Virginia (5), Wyoming (3) (157 total) Leans Republican: Georgia (16), Iowa (6), Maine 2nd Congressional District (1), Ohio (18), Utah (6) (47 total) Battleground states: Arizona (11), Florida (29), Nevada (6), Nebraska 2nd Congressional District (1), New Hampshire (4), North Carolina (15), (66 total) Leans Democratic: Colorado (9), Michigan (16), Pennsylvania (20), Virginia (13), Wisconsin (10), (68 total) Solid Democratic: California (55), Connecticut (7), Delaware (3), DC (3), Hawaii (4), Illinois (20), Maine (3), Maryland (10), Massachusetts (11), New Jersey (14), New York (29), Oregon (7), Rhode Island (4), Vermont (3), Washington (12), Minnesota (10), New Mexico (5) (200 total) I got this information and picture from http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/04/politics/road-to-270-electoral-college-map-november-4-duplicate/index.html


This elementary school has predicted the outcome of 12 presidential elections. Every year since Nixon the Benjamin Franklin Elementary School has guessed the President. The interesting part about the way they do the voting is that instead of Trump vs. Clinton they say Candidate A vs. Candidate B. All the school tells them is their platforms and what they think. Then the children vote, this year’s outcome is Hillary Clinton winning with 52 percent (277 votes) compared to Donald Trump’s outcome of 43 percent (230 votes). Let’s see if they are correct this time.

I got this information from http://www.cbsnews.com/news/benjamin-franklin-elementary-school-has-correctly-predicted-every-presidential-election-for-48-years/





Donald Trump won the election taking the lead from Hillary Clinton with 276 to 218 electoral votes. Sadly the school’s outcome was wrong.

screen-shot-2016-11-09-at-7-17-48-am screen-shot-2016-11-09-at-7-18-04-am

I got this information from http://graphics.wsj.com/elections/2016/results/

My Hero Essay

Heroes demonstrate many acts of generosity, bravery and wit in the face of danger, and put aside their own needs for others. They are also admired and appreciated by many that have heard of their acts. Heroes will always be remembered. They can be found in today’s news like Harry Swimmer of the CNN Heroes series, or in old stories, such as Robin Hood. Although Rosemary Sutcliff’s Odysseus is a hero to some but that is very debatable, because there is much evidence that he is the opposite of a hero.


Although Odysseus displays some heroic acts in the book The Wanderings of Odysseus, by Rosemary Sutcliff, Odysseus’ heroic qualities do not compare to his sins. Odysseus shows wit and determination but his many acts of hubris is never heroic. Odysseus shows excessive pride after cleverly blinding Poseidon’s son, the cyclops, Polyphemus. “If anyone asks who blinded you, tell them it was Odysseus, son of Laertes and Lord of Ithaca, Odysseus the Sacker of Cities.” Odysseus taunts Polyphemus after he have wounded him and causes Poseidon to bestow a curse on Odysseus and his men for this act. A true hero would have tried to save himself and his men but not shown ignorance and boasted about his win.


Harry Swimmer is a hero and a friend to many disabled kids that went to his non-profit farm. He works all day to help kids that normally can’t ride to ride horses. It takes two-hundred volunteers every day to help so many kids ride. They need two sidewalker and one leader for one horse and one child. It’s been running for twenty-two years now and he never gets tired. Harry feels like his farm is a “Sanctuary to the kids that come”, and “It’s not just my farm it’s their farm too.” Both show how much he cares for all of them, and how much he wants to help. It helps all the children build up their core muscles so if they couldn’t walk or speak or sit up they can.

Without heroes the world would fall into a deep pit of selfishness and cruelty. Nobody would help the helpless. Nobody would inspire people to be their best selves. Heroes like Harry Swimmer bring the world out of that darkness with their generosity and bravery. People like Odysseus are the culprits that brought the world into the pit with their selfishness. Lots of people think that heroes are the people that fight crimes and put bad guys behind bars. That’s not true. Heroes can be found in everyday life; they can be your mom or dad, your best friend. We are living in a world that needs more heroes. More people to save the hungry, more people to save the animals, more people to help us.  After learning about so many wonderful people that are heroes, actual ones, I decided I need to step it up. I need to make a change in  the world, help the world on it’s path to greatness and peace. Everybody needs to make a change for the better.

Hey, I have I question for you

What would happen to the earth if humans disappeared?

If humans just disappeared than a lot of catastrophes will happen in the first couple of years because the deadly gasses will spread through the world killing all animals that breath in the air enough. Also all the cars, and planes would crash and fire would spread everywhere. And, the power plants would stop leading to major blackouts. The nuclear power plants would explode because the nuclear liquids would turn into gasses in the warm weather outside, causing the containers to no longer be able to hold the gas.


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