My 2017-2018 Learning Value

I choose discussion and listening to be my 2017-2018 learning value. I will participate more in class and at the end of the week, I will document my progress. My goal is to raise my hand at least once per class. The reason I choose this learning habit is that I do not talk enough in class. Since I do not talk in class enough not only does my grade go down I also do not get enough out of the class. If I talk more, than I could understand the new material, and share my ideas with my class so that they can benefit from them as well. I have not shared my ideas enough in the past because I get nervous that I will look foolish in front of my peers. That has not changed but I am willing to give it a shot to challenge myself. Besides raising my hand at least once per class, I will learn how to calm down so I do not get so embarrassed and nervous. I could talk about ways to calm myself with my mom.

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