The 2 ¾ days that I spent at Ashokan were interesting because the staff were really entertaining, I spent more time than I normally do with different people, and we had a ton of opportunities to learn.
The 2 ¾ days that I spent at Ashokan were interesting because the staff was really entertaining. The staff at Ashokan took us through our classes and put us to bed at night. One of the staff members that I liked was Siggy. For example Siggy rapped, sang a “repeat after me” song, and told us a “scary” story about mosquitos. He sang them to us around the bonfire that the 6th graders had on the first night. They also read us stories before bed, and played games with us in some of the classes. I thought one time that was especially enticing was when we were all laughing and having s’mores around the campfire with the songs that Siggy sang, we were all having a great time. Ashokan was interesting, and the staff made it even more fascinating.