Cyber Security and Apple– Discussion and Blog Post
I had a conversation with my mum and she said that apple shouldn’t let the FBI have access to all phones because she agreed with me that you never know if they are going to use the key for other customers that have apple phones. Also, if the company apple makes a key then other customers won’t want to buy from them anymore because they don’t want the FBI looking for their private information. Also, the FBI could come up to you or find you and accuse you of something that you didn’t do and make a mistaken assault your planning or something your hiding you don’t want people seeing/finding out about. I have a question that is if apple decides to make a key to access of all phone will they keep making new phones even though a good amount of customers won’t buy the new product? Because it’s a lot of technology and money to make 100 and 100 of phones. The FBI might take money from apple company so they won’t have enough money to make 100 and 100 of phones for people and the right technology.