Are Humans Following the rules?

The article that I read is about a bear named Tuffy. Tuffy was a bear that was trapped in this metal bar cage that was fairly small. Tuffy was kept in this horrible cage for a long time and then one day was rescued from Bile Farm. In a way the were kind of abusing Tuffy because they put the poor bear in a small metal cage for a long time and not giving it the right treatment the animals needs. I think this Tuffy article relates to “We’re All In This Together” rule because we all are in this together to help the world especially animals. Etc… I don’t think this is an example of following the rules because these people took a bear in and just put it in this crapy metal cage that hurts the bear and physically too. The metal bars are rough on the bears paws and the paws can start cracking from walking on bars and not grass like there supposed to be. But on the other hand, Bile Farm did the right thing and recused Tuffy and put it in an environment the bear should have been in from the start!



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