Math 2nd quarter assesment


This was one of my second quarter assessments. It is the most recent one. I got 2 3s, 1 4, and a 2.5. I think I did pretty well. I got one of the hardest questions right. If you get 28, which most people didn’t, you get the question correct. I learned that when the first four planets out from the sun are aligned, it is called a conjunction. Out of the 6 questions, I got 5 correct, on the one I got incorrect, the equation was true but I still got it incorrect. I think I should have gotten it correct. The equation was true and it was a possible answer to the question. But I have to go with the flow, sometimes everyone makes a bad call.

French First Quarter

Lundi, le deux Novembre.

Monday, November 2.

  1. My favorite activity was the French songs. I liked it because we got to hear good music with funny lyrics.
  2. I learned the colors, the months, the days of the week, the alphabet, and numbers up to 50.
  3. 2 Successes in this class were that I learned the basics of French and that I memorized  more than 70 things in french.
  4. A strength for me was mesmerizing the songs.
  5. A challenge for me was to do the homework well.


  1. A goal for me is to adapt further into the language of french.


  1. I have made progress towards this goal because I have paid attention in class and to the songs and I have been able to know more about this language.

Math End of Unit Assesment

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This piece of work reflects my work so far this year in math because it is the end of quarter assessment and it shows how much I learned over this quarter. I was surprised that I got the entire assessment correct. I am also proud to say that I got everything correct. I was mainly challenged by division on assessments. My plan to improve in this area is to practice my strategies to get better at math.

Being a Human Computer

In D.lab one Friday we were turned  into a human computer. We had to name one part of the computer and then you and one other person became a human computer part. I named the CPU which is the brain of the computer. Eventually we got all the parts of the computers. I was the CPU the entire time with someone else. I noticed that the Hard drive and the peripherals had the hardest time. I learned not to say it’s taking so long, I had to wait 10 whole seconds.

My Font

I like my font because it is making letters come to life while giving them a snack. What  I did to make it was I drew my original ideas first. I had to make the numbers 1-9 and 0, I also  had to make all 26 letters uppercase and lowercase. The theme to my font was to give each character 1 juice box and a face. My font currently does not have a name.

Personal Narrative

Six kills each fight before dying. Statistics in Camp Half Blood show that if you have more kills than deaths, you are a good fighter. The hardest thing to deal with is being surrounded. It is hard because you can’t escape and you will get backstabbed. My proudest moment as a swordfighter was when it was Apollo versus all, so a five cabin versus one cabin battle. Back then there were six cabins but now there are 8 cabins.

“Charge,” Kai yells.

“Attack,” yell the other cabin leaders.

Every swordfighter in camp charges into the hill. I then get split up from my Apollo cabin mates. I think to myself, Oh no, I will get slaughtered. Then I hear,

“Kill him.”

Suddenly three warriors attack me and I dodge their attacks. One of them even has a shield<–(complaining voice). I think to myself, this battle did make us outnumbered 5 or 6 on one, but still it seems impossible to win this battle, and we will need a lot of pick offs, but at least we have the top 4 sword fighters.

“Help,” I yell.

But nobody hears me over the chaos of the battle.  We fight every cabin battle in the valley, which is down a 15 foot hill that is not steep but is covered with leaves and woodchips. These battles are fought by sword fighters in camp with wooden shields and foam swords.I know I won’t survive forever. I see a moment and get a kill on the shielded warrior. I then am able to just barely dodge the wave of attacks. I felt helpless, but now I am a bit more confident after that kill and I need at least two kills in this battle for good stats. So I chop off one of an enemy warrior’s legs. I then immediately stab his chest and kill him. I feel lucky for two kills and am more confident. At this point in the battle, most warriors have been mowed down but we still have some elite warriors left. But the guy I was facing was also an elite warrior so I chop off one leg and then immediately go for his sword arm. Without his sword arm this guy is helpless and I stab his chest for the kill. I then am reunited with my cabin and we mow down every other warrior. That was my proudest moment as a swordfighter. In that year we had the highest quality sword fighters so we won the battles. We only lost one battle that entire year.

A challenge for me writing this piece was writing 2 pages just out of 1 sentence. I chose to  share this piece on this blog because I worked hard not just to write, but to pick out the right seentence. I perservered in that piece because I just came in and pushed through the entire thing. It was mainly hard for me because writing for me is one of those subjects where I  have a hard time just putting what is in my head on paper.  I learned that I can do something if I set my mind to it.

Recess so Far





In recess currently I am mostly playing Football. I think I am getting better and the signs that I am are that I am starting to catch the ball more often. I also like recess because I can exercise and run. The best part about recess is that I get to do what I want. By Alon.

Spirit Animals book 3 Blood Ties by Garth Nix and Sean Williams


The book that I will do my review on is called Spirit Animals book 3 Blood Ties. The authors are Garth Nix and Sean Williams. It is located in the world of Erdas which is completely fiction and the time I would say is in the 1200s. The main characters are, Conor, Meilin, Abeke, Rollan, and Tarik. The main problem is that the devourer has risen and is trying to conquer Erdas.

The devourer has risen again and the quest for talismans has begun. with the talismans of the great beasts, the devourer is unstoppable. Can the greencloaks prevent that from happening? read spirit animals to find out.



An event that changed the direction of the story is that Meilin ran off away from the others and made them try to get the Slate Elephant talisman without her. Meilin made a big decision to run off and find her long lost father one of the five highest generals in her country Zhong. It was a big decision because her spirit animal Jhi the great panda advised against it. The problem with the devourer was never resolved because even though the devourer made an appearance in the battle for the Slate elephant, he ran away from the battle once he was injured. “the crocodile turned and streaked away with astonishing speed.” page 179.

I enjoyed the book because there are 2 different stories in one. Meilin trying to find her father and the greencloaks quest to the great beast Dinesh’s temple. I also liked the intense part when Abeke and Conor try to get the banana gourds. I lastly liked the part when the rhino riders knock everyone unconscious. I think people who read Percy Jackson would like this book because the story is like Percy Jackson’s story. I rate this book 4 stars. 

by Alon.

Alon Math Game for Math Night

This was my math game for math night in fourth grade.

Take the Math Crown

The game is designed for 2-4 players

Goal: To earn 400 points and get the math crown.


  1.  First each player chooses one character.


  1. Put the characters on start.


  1. Put the questions on the guardians.

Starting The game


  1.  Each player rolls 1 die. Whoever gets the highest goes first. If there’s a tie, then those players keep rolling until one gets higher, that player goes before the other player.


  1. Roll both dice, go that many squares until you reach your square, then answer the math equation.

Check your answer if it’s correct (can also be done on a calculator). If you get it right, you get that many points and you write your points down.

  1. Once you finish the first level (outer circle), you need to go to the guardian



  1.  When you land on a Guardian, you must answer all 3 questions correctly to earn 100 points.
  2. you need to do the same on the 2nd gurdian.

3. On the third guardian, if correct (and also you have at least 400 points), you get to the crown, which means you win.