Surfing in Portugal

Surfing in Portugal this summer was so much fun and I loved it a lot. With my family we went to Portugal for my Cousin’s 13th birthday and we went surfing. I learned how to surf correctly and on the last day I did really well. We went to a beach called Arrifana which is a beach where it is easy to surf because the waves are smaller and my little sister and 8-year-old cousin did not have a hard time with the waves. On the last day everyone did great  and even my mom surfed and everyone took a wave to the shore. It was a lot of fun and I got to be with family that I only see twice a year.

In this photo someone is surfing a barrel wave which is hard and scary to do because the wave is closing in on you. We surfed on smaller waves that did not close in on us like that.


This summer I learned how to play Overwatch which is a fun team game with 2 teams of 6. It is a lot like rock paper scissors, so you switch to X hero to beat Y hero and then take the objective when it is 5 vs 6. The problem with this video game is that there are not enough heroes and the overpowered heroes see to much play. In the top 500 players in Overwatch the only supports played are the supports with a high skill cap and the defensive heroes are almost never picked this way. Overwatch at my level is like everyone getting picked, just not equally and it is not broken like the top 500. I will explain how the game mode called escort the payload works. In escort the payload there is a payload which the attacking team must bring to the final checkpoint to win. If the defending team is on the payload the payload moves backwards. If the attacking team is on the payload it moves forward. If both teams are on the payload, the payload does not move and the team with the last person standing will push the payload. Once the payload reaches the checkpoint the attacking team gets more time to reach the final checkpoint. If the attacking team does not reach the final checkpoint in time, they lose, if they do, they win.

This is a picture of Pharah, the person on the left, and Hanzo, the person on the right, Pharah never gets picked in tournaments and Hanzo barely gets picked but I think this will change after the Hanzo buff which made him overpowered Hanzo will probably see some more play


It was fun playing basketball in LREI basketball camp. I feel like I became a better player and that I can be a lot better than I am. I also am inspired to play more basketball and try to beat my cousin who is really good at basketball.

This is a foul on the Celtics player because he rammed into the other player
This is a foul on the Celtics player because he rammed into the other player

The Celtics player is the green player.

I wonder…

What would happen if humans disappeared from the earth? Would it be good or bad? Will everything die or survive? Well, after nuclear power plant toxins are released, it will basically kill everything and then the survivors will have no food and die out. Eventually, the Earth will turn barren because the atoms of buildings will break apart and no atoms will not get decomposed.

Exit Polling

Exit polling was fun because we got to talk to people and learn who they voted for. We made a prediction based on who we voted for. Our predictions in the neiborhood were correct but not exact. We got the democrats correct, but we got almost everything correct for republicans. The one inacurate thing was that we only had numbers from one neiborhood and one neiborhood is not the whole state.