Category: Grade

Book Partner Reflection

Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry

My partner and I read Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. Our partnership was fun because we read the book together and discussed it well. This book is really sad and really hard on their family. The n word is used a lot.

Docent Talk Reflection

My topic was : Canopic Jars. My experience giving my docent talk at The Brooklyn Museum was a good experience . I felt good because everyone in the group was listening to me. We started at the part closest to the back and worked our way forward. My topic was the one farthest back and I got to go first.

Gun violence control

Gun Violence is when you use a gun to hurt somebody. Some people have justification to carry guns, like army men or police. Also, it would be okay if security guards like Boris had guns. It is justified because they need to protect themselves and others.  But I see no good reason for me or my family to use guns. If anyone but the people who I mentioned above had guns, a lot of things could go wrong. For example, people could sell it to a terrorist. Or they could lose the gun and little kids could find it, play with it, and by mistake kill themselves or others. Also, if you have a weapon you will most likely use it to solve problems with violence instead of words( that is what my mom said). additionally, statistics show that Americans commit suicide because of depression and easy access to guns.

I think we need to identify the people who have guns and only give certain people permission to carry guns. I think we need to make firearm laws like in countries such as Israel. I give Israel as an example because they have strict laws for firearms even though one would assume that because of the constant war and terror people would carry guns. The restrictions are that you need to be mentally healthy, be at a certain age, take a course, give a reason, be a resident for at least 3 consecutive years, and pass a criminal background check. I believe that if rules like this or stricter rules were in the U.S., I would feel better about people who carry guns. Maybe gun violence would decrease if that happened. So overall, I would argue that we need to make better laws about guns that make it harder to get a gun, and that guns will be in the hands of the right people.



Alon texture collage

Photo on 1-21-16 at 9.50 AM

This is my picture of my texture collage. It was made with six textures. See if you can spot them all. The process was to make my textures, draw the picture of a dog and a vase, lastly, I made the collage. I put all my effort into it and it turned out to be my best work. I used a secondary color scheme in my collage. That means I only used secondary colors. The color schemes are primary, secondary, and analogous.

Alon Zoetrope Strip

Photo on 1-21-16 at 9.37 AMPhoto on 1-21-16 at 9.36 AM #2

These are pictures of my Zoetrope. It was hard to make them. I had to draw 24 panels. I only used 12 panels though. I learned how to sharpen a colored pencil. I also learned how to properly use a colored pencil. You go in light circles. I think it was my best work because I put a lot of effort into it.

Math 2nd quarter assesment


This was one of my second quarter assessments. It is the most recent one. I got 2 3s, 1 4, and a 2.5. I think I did pretty well. I got one of the hardest questions right. If you get 28, which most people didn’t, you get the question correct. I learned that when the first four planets out from the sun are aligned, it is called a conjunction. Out of the 6 questions, I got 5 correct, on the one I got incorrect, the equation was true but I still got it incorrect. I think I should have gotten it correct. The equation was true and it was a possible answer to the question. But I have to go with the flow, sometimes everyone makes a bad call.

French First Quarter

Lundi, le deux Novembre.

Monday, November 2.

  1. My favorite activity was the French songs. I liked it because we got to hear good music with funny lyrics.
  2. I learned the colors, the months, the days of the week, the alphabet, and numbers up to 50.
  3. 2 Successes in this class were that I learned the basics of French and that I memorized  more than 70 things in french.
  4. A strength for me was mesmerizing the songs.
  5. A challenge for me was to do the homework well.


  1. A goal for me is to adapt further into the language of french.


  1. I have made progress towards this goal because I have paid attention in class and to the songs and I have been able to know more about this language.

Math End of Unit Assesment

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This piece of work reflects my work so far this year in math because it is the end of quarter assessment and it shows how much I learned over this quarter. I was surprised that I got the entire assessment correct. I am also proud to say that I got everything correct. I was mainly challenged by division on assessments. My plan to improve in this area is to practice my strategies to get better at math.

Being a Human Computer

In D.lab one Friday we were turned  into a human computer. We had to name one part of the computer and then you and one other person became a human computer part. I named the CPU which is the brain of the computer. Eventually we got all the parts of the computers. I was the CPU the entire time with someone else. I noticed that the Hard drive and the peripherals had the hardest time. I learned not to say it’s taking so long, I had to wait 10 whole seconds.

My Font

I like my font because it is making letters come to life while giving them a snack. What  I did to make it was I drew my original ideas first. I had to make the numbers 1-9 and 0, I also  had to make all 26 letters uppercase and lowercase. The theme to my font was to give each character 1 juice box and a face. My font currently does not have a name.