Category: Grade

Knight Monologue

The king is before me. I am in a grand room. Will I die? I do not want to be killed on crusade or in battle. What is my fate? My armor is heavy. I can feel the sweat running freely down my back. I am excited, happy, anxious, nervous, and regretting my life decisions. Hopefully I won’t die. I feel the sword, and the king has tapped me with it. I feel the sweat more where he touches me. I do not want to go on Crusade. Crusade is going out and conquering places where God is not worshipped. I highly regret all my life choices. It is my first time holding my sword, as a knight. It’s terrible to be me. My family was all knights, making me a knight automatically. I hate being a knight. I want to say stop, to stop the ceremony, but I don’t, because that would be disrespectful. Why? I feel like I am signing my death warrant. Hello, heaven or hell.

“Rise, sir knight,” says the king.

The ceremony is over. I am a knight. A bloody knight. I don’t have the heart to kill.

I am scared about Crusade. I am scared I will take mercy and not kill everyone. Especially on innocents. Why do I have to be a knight? “God, please take mercy on me and don’t send me on Crusade.” I pray. I realize I am still on my knees after he said “rise, sir knight.” How embarrassing. I rise to my feet feeling bad for myself. Then everyone starts cheering. I force a smile onto my face. I try to hide my feelings. I feel like why am I even doing this?

My coat of arms


This is my coat of arms. In medieval times this is what I would be known by. Each element represents something. I used blue because I believe in truth and loyalty. I left half of the shield white because white means peace and sincerity. The star of David is in it because I am Jewish. I put in the stag antlers because it means one who will not fight unless provoked which I think is a really good trait which I believe in so I drew the antlers. At the bottom is a motto with which I agree because I do believe that violence is bad but sometimes it is the only option.

Science Diorama

Our model is of all the tunnels and water mains in NYC and what role they play in NYC’s water supply. We will tell the story of tunnel NO. 3 and what we think Bill De Blasio should do about it. We think that Bill De Blasio should resume construction on tunnel NO. 3 because we think that it will play a key role in NYC’s water supply. It will service Everywhere and in case the other tunnels break down and will allow Bill De Blasio to service tunnels NO. 1 and 2. With our growing population in the city we need to get more water around the city and we think that tunnel NO. 3 is a great option to help everyone out. Since tunnels NO. 1 and NO. 2 are so old the risk of them breaking down gets higher every year.

I wonder…

What would happen if humans disappeared from the earth? Would it be good or bad? Will everything die or survive? Well, after nuclear power plant toxins are released, it will basically kill everything and then the survivors will have no food and die out. Eventually, the Earth will turn barren because the atoms of buildings will break apart and no atoms will not get decomposed.

Exit Polling

Exit polling was fun because we got to talk to people and learn who they voted for. We made a prediction based on who we voted for. Our predictions in the neiborhood were correct but not exact. We got the democrats correct, but we got almost everything correct for republicans. The one inacurate thing was that we only had numbers from one neiborhood and one neiborhood is not the whole state.

Where is Away?

Well, there is no such place as away.


In the away picture, there is barely a thing.  There is only a rusty house, not a person, not a single one. You might ask, Why is there no away? The answer is that atoms break apart and will never be destroyed. Only a supernova can destroy an atom, not you. Atoms break apart and their remnants are everywhere. Away is a myth, just a myth. The Mythical land is a landfill right? The garbage will stay there and decompose. No, the garbage atoms will break apart and float into the air. Away is not a landfill. Away does not exist.

Making My Tomb Painting

The process of making my tomb painting was to make a rough draft, draw it on  bigger piece of paper, put sharpie on the lines you drew, then watercolor the picture. The easiest part for me was to watercolor the picture. The most challenging part for me was to use the watercolors. The watercolors usually went into places that I didn’t want them to go. The water, for example, blue went into black because the colors were to watery.

Cybersecurity, an Argument Between Apple and the FBI

When 2 terrorists came in to california and killed plenty of people, one of them was arrested by the FBI and they want apple to make a skeleton key for all iphones. Apple wants the security of their customers personal information, so they said no. Because if there is a skeleton key, what will stop terrorists from using it? What if it gets into the wrong hands?Even apple cannot hack their own iphones because of their secure servers. Apple also does not know the passcode for the phone. If I get the skeleton key, I could erase 1000000 iphones, and say give me 20$ for your Iphones if you want them. Other companies that make phones like google or samsung are siding with apple because if the FBI gets a skeleton key from apple, they might ask for a skeleton key from them too. I side with apple because i don’t want the FBI getting my personal information.

But another thing the FBI wants is for apple to break only into this terrorists iphone. This is something apple doesn’t want to do because it might be a precedent. A precedent is when some one does something, and then people think they will do it again. So then afterwards, the FBI says this person looks suspicious, apple break into his phone for me, the FBI will be expecting apple to do the same thing. Then a bunch of other people do the same and it will put apple under tough circumstances. Other companies are also siding with apple in this to.  I also think precedents are bad like this, so I side with apple.