Cybersecurity, an Argument Between Apple and the FBI
When 2 terrorists came in to california and killed plenty of people, one of them was arrested by the FBI and they want apple to make a skeleton key for all iphones. Apple wants the security of their customers personal information, so they said no. Because if there is a skeleton key, what will stop terrorists from using it? What if it gets into the wrong hands?Even apple cannot hack their own iphones because of their secure servers. Apple also does not know the passcode for the phone. If I get the skeleton key, I could erase 1000000 iphones, and say give me 20$ for your Iphones if you want them. Other companies that make phones like google or samsung are siding with apple because if the FBI gets a skeleton key from apple, they might ask for a skeleton key from them too. I side with apple because i don’t want the FBI getting my personal information.
But another thing the FBI wants is for apple to break only into this terrorists iphone. This is something apple doesn’t want to do because it might be a precedent. A precedent is when some one does something, and then people think they will do it again. So then afterwards, the FBI says this person looks suspicious, apple break into his phone for me, the FBI will be expecting apple to do the same thing. Then a bunch of other people do the same and it will put apple under tough circumstances. Other companies are also siding with apple in this to. I also think precedents are bad like this, so I side with apple.