In art, we made really cool geometry patterns. We picked a graph and made a pattern on that. We colored it in, then cut out the pattern. Finally, we glued it all together again. I really liked this project because it had a lot of detail.
In art, we made medieval illuminated letters. I think that I did a really good job and I love the way that it turned out.It was really hard to water color the background of the Z, because I had to go around all of the details. It took a long time, but it ended up looking really good.
This is my classical Chinese music piece. I chose this style because I think that classical Chinese music is really interesting. I am taking Mandarin, so I thought that it would be really cool to learn more about the culture. I discovered that using a F pentatonic scale makes it sound a lot better and it has to run really smoothly. Also, it can’t have notes that are long steps apart. It has been really hard to compose Chinese music, because we are trying to make it sound Chinese, but it hasn’t really sounded Chinese. Lately, it has been sounding more Chinese, but we are still trying to make it sound better.
In Mandarin, I have been doing pretty well. We have been doing lots of fun projects. I really liked learning Tai Chi, and I loved doing the alien project. This is a picture of the Chinese New Year Celebration. We performed at the PAC and we ate a lot of delicious food. We learned about the Chinese culture and we all had a really good time performing.
In humanities we are doing a writing piece called “Who The Heck Are You?” It is really cool because we choose a person that we want to interview and we get to learn more about them. I had to come up with a bunch of questions that will let everyone no more about the person. I decided to interview Joanne Magee, the drama teacher. I decided that because she tells us really funny stories about her life, and I just want to know more about her. The theme of my questions is childhood and her job. I think I have some really creative questions that will tell the people reading my piece more about her. Here are my questions:
What’s your birthday?
Where did you grow up?
Did you like growing up there?
How many siblings do you have?
Did you get along with your siblings?
Which sibling did you get along with the best?
Did you get along with your siblings?
Did you ever break any limbs? How?
Did you stay friends with any of your childhood friends?
What did you want to be when you grew up?
When did you realize that you wanted to be a drama teacher?
Who were your role models? Why?
What is your favorite childhood memory?
Where did you go to college? Did you like it there?
What was your first job?
What is your favorite production that you ever put on?
Why was it your favorite?
If you could take credit for being the director of any show that was ever on Broadway, what would it be? Why?
If you could meet anyone, who would it be? Why?
If you could travel to any place in time, what would it be? Why?
This is a chart that shows what the 6th grade used to eat at lunch. It was strange to see how much grain our class eats. I think that is because people only like to eat the bread and they don’t like anything else.
This is a chart that shows what the 6th grade eats for lunch now. I think that we improved, but we should still remember to eat healthy. We ate less grain, but not that much less. We generally evened everything out, but grain is still ahead.
This is a graph that shows the ideal plate. Grain on this chart is lower than what we eat.
In humanities, we are doing a project about medieval women. My group is learning about Anna Comnena. We decided to do a slide show. We are not working very well as a group because everyone is talking over each other and we aren’t really focusing, but I am working on it and I think that everyone really wants to make the project good.. I REALLY enjoy doing projects in small groups and I think that presenting and getting to hear feed back is really good and makes the project better.
During Big Time, we are working on medieval guilds. Every person is in a guild, and they have a guild master. I am in the medicine guild, and my guild master is Julia. I am going to be a midwife, and I have learned lots of new things about medieval medicine. I am really excited for guild night. Last Big Time, we went to the New York Public Library. We did lots of research, and I think that most of my research came from there.
In music, I am writing a piece that is supposed to be Chinese classical music. I don’t really like how it is turning out, because it doesn’t sound very Chinese. I am going to continue working on it.
Revision is thinking about your work with fresh eyes. If you go away and then come back, you can think about it differently. Revision is like editing, but editing is the mechanics, revision is the actual writing.
I think that I did a good job with this writing piece. I didn’t revise it to much, because I liked the first draft. I added an element of magic. I hope you like this story!