Archive of ‘Bobrowski’ category

Science Eating Habits

 This is a chart that shows what the 6th grade used to eat at lunch. It was strange to see how much grain our class eats. I think that is  because people only like to eat the bread and they don’t like anything else.


 This is a chart that shows what the 6th grade eats for lunch now. I think that we improved, but we should still remember to eat healthy. We ate less grain, but not that much less. We generally evened everything out, but grain is still ahead.


 This is a graph that shows the ideal plate. Grain on this chart is lower than what we eat.

Food Fight

Screenshot 2015-02-25 at 6.22.49 AM I like to use the baboon in the game Food Fight because they eat so many things. You have to be careful because the baboon has predators. You want to make sure that the predators don’t get you and that the other animals don’t eat your food source.


Screen shot 2014-10-08 at 7.14.09 PMToday in science class we designed atoms. (Or what we thought were atoms.) I did this because all of the different with cells in the atoms. Also, it is colored black because I would have thought it would be clear.