Archive of ‘Science’ category

Science Journal

In science, we each have science journals. We write about different things or do different readings, then put our notes in the journal. In this entry, I had just read an article about plants and how they will be able to help the future of cities. I made connections to our city and I think that I made good inferences.


Science Muir Web

My Muir Web!!

In science, to start off the year, everyone made a personal Muir web. A Muir web is a web that connects all of the food and resources that we(humans) use. I’m really proud of it because I worked really hard and I think that it reflects my best work. I made broad connections and I think that all of the connections were good.


Screen shot 2014-10-08 at 7.14.09 PMToday in science class we designed atoms. (Or what we thought were atoms.) I did this because all of the different with cells in the atoms. Also, it is colored black because I would have thought it would be clear.