In math, we are working on graphing the population of the world since 1oo,ooo BCE. This is a picture of my graph. Ana just told us that the population at 8,ooo
BCE was 5,ooo,ooo. That’s so little! I mostly just guessed for some of them because Ana didn’t tell us. I had a lot of trouble figuring out what to skip count by. Thank you and goodbye.

Today in math class we did a graphing activity. Here are some things I noticed:
One of the graphs goes straight up. That is impossible because none of the stories were, “Walk all the way.”
Two of the graphs didn’t start at the bottom of the graph. That wouldn’t work because you can’t skip to the fifth meter.
One didn’t have lines in between the dot. This time the dots should be connected because you are taking steps in each meter and not teleporting from one to the next.
Thank you for reading my post.