Recently, our social justice group, the menstrual equity group, has been going on a lot of fieldwork. Yesterday, Jennifer Weiss-Wolf came to speak to our class about her book, Periods Gone Public: Taking a Stand for Menstrual Equity, and then we did an interview with her afterwards. I was able to learn many new interesting things about my topic which I’m very interested in.
On MLK Day at our school, we do a pajama drive and I went to it yesterday. We packaged pajamas, toiletries, books and cards for homeless children and made signs for the Women’s March next week.
When my social justice group went to Period Con, there was a seminar about possible jobs at One of the jobs was a summer internship, and I decided I wanted to apply for that job. I filled out an application and created a resume. If I get chosen for the internship, I will be working over the summer doing different things for this organization.