Humanities Making 13 Colonies

In this project, I wrote from the perspective of John Smith to the London Company about everything that was happening in the New World. I am proud about this because I used all of the information that I had gotten from the book that we were reading in class and I incorporated that into the letter. I think that I used some of the language that John Smith might have used.



September 16, 1607

Dear London Company,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. This is an update on our progress here in the New World. I am writing to tell you that we are here. Though the land is swampy and the water is brackish, we are here. I must say, kind Sirs, though it was you who have sent us on this expedition, you have also made our work harder than it needs to be. You see, we have all been paid in advance, so the workers aren’t working as hard as they should be, myself not included. Of course, I am working at everything, and cleaning up the messes made by the others. This journey is much like many of my others, long, hard and laborious, but hopefully with a fruitful end.

As I mentioned before, the land is swampy and I fear we have picked the wrong place to settle. There is deep water leading right up to our shores. It is convenient for us, for we can sail right up. But, the Spanish could attack at any moment. We also have woods right outside of our fort. We can collect any and all of the wood needed to survive, but as you might be able to tell, the trees are an extreme fire hazard. I have tried to tell this to my fellow settlers, but no one seems to listen.

I have met an Indian. Her name is Pocahontas and she is the daughter of the leader of the Powhatan’s, great Powhatan himself. They have adopted me into their tribe and made me an honorary chief. I have even learned to speak their language. Not always have they been kind to me, though. They have tried to kill me on many occasions.  Once, as I bravely stood before the executioner, Pocahontas threw herself on me and saved my life.

Sirs, you have helped us in many ways, and I thank you for choosing me to stay here and settle. You have also presented us with many problems and I ask you to fix them.


John Smith

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