In humanities, we are doing a project about medieval women. My group is learning about Anna Comnena. We decided to do a slide show. We are not working very well as a group because everyone is talking over each other and we aren’t really focusing, but I am working on it and I think that everyone really wants to make the project good.. I REALLY enjoy doing projects in small groups and I think that presenting and getting to hear feed back is really good and makes the project better.
During Big Time, we are working on medieval guilds. Every person is in a guild, and they have a guild master. I am in the medicine guild, and my guild master is Julia. I am going to be a midwife, and I have learned lots of new things about medieval medicine. I am really excited for guild night. Last Big Time, we went to the New York Public Library. We did lots of research, and I think that most of my research came from there.
In music, I am writing a piece that is supposed to be Chinese classical music. I don’t really like how it is turning out, because it doesn’t sound very Chinese. I am going to continue working on it.