In math seminar we were learning about codes. We have learned about the Caesar Cipher. We learned how to make the code and how to decode it. I am really enjoying it because I suggested to do codes. This is what I wanted to do and I think it is living up to what I thought it would be.
In social studies, we are learning about the middle ages. At the moment we are learning about castles and how they are built and who lived in them. We watched a video and made a “I wonder, I notice, I infer” chart. I think that I am doing well. I have a hard time paying attention sometimes because I feel like I know some of what they are teaching me. I will try to start challenge myself more.
In science this quarter we have been learning about the New York City water system. We made a poster and a video. I think that I did well and I worked well in my group. I did feel like I was bossing people around a little.
This is a video that really helped me with the projects.
This is a picture of a math pop quiz. I have not been doing amazing at these. I know how I should practice and I know how I will get better. I will work on simplifying fractions and finding common denominator. I am going to ask Margaret for help during IWP.
This is a page from the take-home test. I did not do as well as I was hoping to, but I think that I did well. This is a page that I got all right. I really like this kind of math and I think that I am good at it. I studied for it and I did as well as I thought I would on this part.
This is my progress report in Xtramath. I am practicing everyday. I think that I am doing well, but I am not very fast at typing. I know all of the answers, and with a little bit more of practice, I will do much better.
In humanities, we have been annotating Beowulf. That means that we underline important things, circle and define vocabulary words and write a chapter summery. Annotating is important because it helps you understand the text. I am proud of my circling and defining skills because I always remember to define, and not just circle. I want to improve of underlining important parts because sometimes I miss important things.