Today I went to the Brooklyn Zoo! I know, it sounds like a place you keep animals, right? Well, it’s not. It’s actually a gym. Sort of. There are lots of structures you can hop around on and vault over and hang from. It’s for parkour. Parkour comes from the French word that means “by running.” It actually consists of vaulting and jumping and rolling and things like that. I jumped off a landing that was around 8 feet high into a pit of foam. I learned how to do vaults like the speed vault and safety vaults. I had a lot of fun and I can’t wait to do it again.
Part of the gym.
That’s the foam pit!
Speed vault.
The Park Avenue Armory has show on called “H {N)Y P N(Y} OSIS” It is all the works of the artist Phillepe Parreno. One of his works is a Manga(Japanese comics.) character, named Ann Lee. Phillepe and his friend, Pierre Huyghe bought the character Manga character and made her an animated character. They made her speak in art videos . Then, Phillepe Parreno decided to have her come to life. In the show, she (actors portraying her) walks around and talks to people. I am on of the Ann Lees. It has been really cool so far. I have met lot’s of people I would never meet and seen all kinds of art I would never see. Yay! So exciting!
Some of the marquees in the show.
Phillepe Parreno and the exhibit being constructed.
The Ann Lee art video.