Category: Family Conferences
Science Manual
The science manual was a project that we are working on in science. Its a manual that teaches an alien species how to use the earth once we go extinct. For example one of the rools is that everything is connected to everything. In other words if the snake eats all of the rabbits then he won’t have any food.
Venn Diagram
Stuffed war Book one: The Tiger
Chapter 1:Animal life
It all started inside Todd and Michelle’s garage.“Thats the 100th stuffed animal we have sold this week”, said Todd. Earlier that day, Michelle and Todd were selling lemonade because they were broke. They were not kids so it was hard to make money. Out of the blue, a man with a hunchback and a cane bought some lemonade. He liked it so much, he felt as if he should repay them in something. They went back to his house to pick up their prize when the man said “how would you like some stuffed animals?”. He said it in a particular voice, as if he was getting the stuffed animals off his hands. When Todd and Michelle went in the house, they saw stuffed animals everywhere. There were 50 different kinds. After that they went around the the neighborhood selling stuffed animals. Then they went home and put the stuffed animals inside the bin in the garage. Little did they know what they were capable of.
Then the stuffed animals woke up and jumped out of the bin. Todd and Michelle screamed as the stuffed animals opened they eyes and started walking towards them. It was hard for them to remember that they were inside of a garage, and not in a scary movie. They ran away as fast as they could. But they were everywhere, wherever they would run there would always be another stuffed animal trying to kill them. Finally they met a dead end. The stuffed animals spoke in unison,”We are the stuffed animals of earth, you must sell us so we can take over the earth. The humans of this world treat us like garbage, they always are choking us at night and punching us, and it hurts.”
“What do you want from us?” said Todd.
“Keep on selling us around the world and when you’re done, give us the money,” said the stuffed animals. In the blink of an eye they were back in our arms. One whispered to Michelle, “bring us back to the bin.”
Todd and Michelle did not know what to think so they just laid there, in the alley thinking about what just happened to them. If they sell the stuffed animals, they will kill the human race. But if they don’t, then the stuffed animals would try to kill them. They decided to run. The stuffed flew out of their arms. The stuffed animals were not following them, but they were basically dead meat.
Chapter 2:Kidnaped
I was sleeping in my crib when I heard it. The first step of a creature I would never forget. I had to stay on my guard. I could not see my prey. So I put my back against the bar of the crib and put my fist up. An hour later my mom was back. She had food and water for me. I never got any proper respect. It was always eat apple sauce, or eat nothing. All I had to drink was water, not milk, not juice, just water. I was still happy to be able to get out of my crib. I felt like prison was better than being a baby.
I was looking at my crib while I was eating. My father had made that crib for me the summer before and I loved it. I just blinked and there it was, the stuffed animal was standing up and looking right at me with those tiger eyes. The arms of the creature started to turn into different shape and color. Then I realized it was becoming me! But why? I stared at it waiting for it to do something when all the sudden a bag fell over my head. My Mom was too busy with her phone to realize I was being kidnaped by STUFFED ANIMALS. I cried and cried but no one heard me. It was as if my parents did not care for me. I felt really sad.
I woke up inside of a cell with all the other babies from the neighborhood. I was frightened to death but I had to get it together or else I would lose my mind. Then I realized these were not just babies from the neighborhood; these were babies from around the world. The stuffed animals were going to kill the babies on earth so that when the parents die there will not be any one left to grow up. I saw my friends from the neighborhood in the corner and I walked over.
“Tom, Mary are you ok?”
“We were both just sleep in with our stuffed animals when the stuffed animal turned into me. I started to run and before I was in a sack and brought here,” said Tom.
Marry refused to say a word. She was scarred for life.
We have been down here for a week now and we started to notice things about the stuffed animals,”said tom.
“What,” I said.
“Every night they plug themselves into a wall and charge. Also, when they talk when they want to meet someone they press a button on their sleeves, but that’s not important. They are not really stuffed animals, they are robots. So if we somehow manage to get out we could flood all the babbie facilities taking away their charge and wiping all memories of taking over the world”, said Tom
“Ok but how do we do that?” I said. Tom shrugged.
Chapter 3:Execution
Todd and Michelle went back to their house and did not leave for a week. They had all of the entrances blocked so that no one could come in and no one could come out. The one thing that Todd forgot was that their kid Sophie, had stuffed animals in her room.
Todd went to sleep and told Michelle to keep watch over the house. As soon as Michelle took a bathroom break, the stuffed animals attacked. Todd woke up with the blade of an arm next to his head. He was frightened to death. He threw the stuffed animal on the ground, and bunched the zebra as hard as he could. The zebra shape shifted into his daughter. Sophie had died the year before and it was his fault. He felt like if he did not want to be a nagging parent. So he let her come home by herself. The stuffed animal attacked and he did not do anything about it. Two seconds later he was dead. The stuffed animal decapitated him.
When Michelle came in and saw what had happened to Todd, she tried to brake the zebra in half. The zebra did break in half, but when ever she broke him in half there would be two more to fight. now michelle had 20 little zebras instead of one big one.Michelle gave up. There was just too many of them to kill. Finally the stuffed animals sliced her in half and she was gone. The stuffed animals took its form as Todd and split himself in half to make michelle.
Chapter 4:Escape with a cost
I was woken up to the sound of the guards chatting. They were talking about turning the babies into stuffed animals. I could not sleep, my eyes would not close. I tried to think of a way out of the sell, but it was almost impossible. I thought I would lose my mind, there are so many endless possibilities of us winning and getting the stuffed animals to justice, but they all ended up with me dying. I’m not sure I want to do that yet, after all I’m only six months old. Maybe it would be better if I slept on it, so I did.
The next morning Tom woke me up in a hurry. Tom had an idea. When he woke up he noticed the clouds were getting darker meaning it would rain soon. Thats when it hit him if he could get all the stuffed animals to outside he could kill them all. But how would we get out of the sell. Wait we are babies. We announced our plan to the other babies and they agreed. “but how would we get outside of the sell” one said. I thought for a minute. “sigh” I knew it had to be done.
“That does not matter to you” I said in the best way I could without crying.
When I got off the bed we all gathered in a line trying to fit in between the sell bars. I had to stay for the plan to work. Everybody ran away, but I sat there. I felt a lump in my throat. A few seconds later the guards came in with a needle and thread and cloth. I sat there with no words. As painful as it was I knew it had to be done. It was torcher. If I squealed at all I would just be giving them what they wanted. When I was done I could not feel anymore my mission was to go outside and send a signal to all of the guards. I felt a upgrade coming up as my legs started to fly. I broke through the cell wall and fell down. then I pressed the button on my arm. Within ten second every stuffed animal in the world was in front of me. It started to rain and I died. Along with the rest of the stuffed animals on earth. It was finally over. My lifeless body fell to the ground. My last words
“My name is Jimmy”
My strategy is to put all the plants out and then put the driver ant then put the baboon in and that always puts me in the lead. Of course I will put other things out too, its just that that is the best play for the Cheetah. If you are playing the baboon it might be hard because when you put the driver ant it gives the other person points.
My Slide Show
Adolescent Issues Post 1
When you were in lower school, what was something that you were excited about for Fifth Grade? How do you feel about it now that you’ve done it?
What was something about Fifth Grade that you were a little nervous or worried about? How do you feel about it now?
What is something about which you are still a little nervous or worried? What might you do to feel a little less nervous or worried?
What is something that you haven’t done yet in middle school about which you are excited? What are you excited about it?
I was exited to have more freedom in between classes. Before we had to walk in strait lines. I am kind of disappointed because it was less fun then I thought it would be. The first week it was amazing and then I just got used to it. But the second week it was old. Now it’s just I was worried that Fifth Grade would be to much for me. At that time a Fifth Grader had told me that 5th grade is aggravatingly hard. So that got me worried. Later the person said they were just trying to scare me. I feel like Fifth Grade is actually easier than I thought it would be. Our teachers give us the same amount of homework that we got in 4th grade. We just have more time to do it. I am still a little worried about my attendance record. I don’t always want to be late or exactly on time. I am exited to do “The Special Day”. I think it’s called learning day. Last year on that day the Fifth Graders/6th went surfing. So I’m exited to see what they are going to do this year .
Zach’s Problem
My number is a factor of 243.
If you -1 from my number it’s a multiple of 20.
my number is odd.
My numbers square is factor of 18.
My Music Experience
this my 3 instrument music composition.