Business in the Middle east
Oct. 3, 1983
What’s the first thing that you think of when you think of business? You probably just thought about a car salesman or a man in a suit. In the Middle East business is a whole different market. Instead of people in fancy suits, camels are the biggest attraction in this desert. They don’t have any cars so (other than walking) camels are the main way of transportation. We went down to the 1983 sibi fair and searched far and wide for the finest camels. There are thousands of camels in the sibi fair but one stood out the most. His name was Gulaband. Many a man tried and tried to haggle with Mr. Abbasi for Guluband but he is such an amazing camel that nat a single person has given a high enough price. Because Mr. Abbasi has so many high quality camels many people can’t afford his camels, so they visit a man by the name of Muhammad Shahzada who also has high quality camels just not quite the same as Mr. Abbasi.
Another attraction to the Middle Eastern people is the clothing. Although these clothes do not come in mainstream brands there are many high quality companies out there. The street venders and store keepers make a lot of money with these items because all you need to make them is a loom and some yarn. It’s sort of like shoes. Everybody has at least a pair. It is also sacrilegious not to wear them.cover your head so the the vendors know that there will always be buyers.
This concludes this column of “Business in the Middle East.” If you found this article interesting then tune in next week for more. Thanks and remember to buy your Chadrs.