Dear Diary ito stand quietly and back away from the fire.”Shabanu left for the sibi fair a couple days ago. Shabanu is going there to raise money for the family and my wedding. Here its very hard. Me and Mama are taking over Dadi’s and Shabanu’s chores. I knew Shabanu did a lot of work but I didn’t know it would be this hard. I have dealt with camels before. Infact I done a lot of work with camels. I birthed a couple of camels. But my chores on top of Shabanu’s is a lot of work. I am glad I’m getting this time to write. I have been so busy. Anyway we have tons of new camels. I can’t wait to see Shabanu again. She will be so happy to see our whole new family of camels.
I am excited to see you too Phulan