Personification Poem
A personification poem is a poem where you give something that doesn’t have a set of characteristics its own characteristics. For our Personification poems we took a ten minute walk and took photos of things that we saw that we thought we could personify. Then when we got back to class we had to chose what the object that we chose would feel like and act like
Then once that was done we started to write. For mine I chose to write about sign that I found attached to a rail beside some stairs.
So now that you know that here it is:
Why a Sign
Why did you leave me here
I wish I still had a purpose
I just sit here waiting for you
You could at least say “Hi”
You used to love me
I would work all day for you
But now I am useless
And you don’t love me
I could have been a black card
I could have been a knife
I could have belonged to a jeweler
I could have been a key chain
I could have been a dollar coin
But I’m just a rusty old sign