May 3

Daughter-raising Manifesto (Dadi Post How-to)

“A manifesto is a public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives, or motives, asone issued by a government, sovereign, or organization.” quote from

In this book I will be teaching you how to raise a tough and hard working daughter. First off If you want to have a daughter that is a perfect child that never breaks the rules you should not take this advice. So first of all you will need a daughter (I will be my daughter using Shabanu.) So I feel that you should start their teaching early. I believe that if you introduce them to animals then they form a strong bond that will last forever. This bond I’d important because the animals can help your child though times of trouble and give them a place where they feel safe. Next I believe that you should train your animals to love humans as much as the humans love the animals. The reason I say this is because then your child will feel wanted and welcome when they feel thrown out by others. I also know that if you want a hard working daughter then you must make them go through troubles without your help. For example I knew that one of our camels was due in one day so I sent Shabanu to watch the camels so that she could go through the trouble herself an learn for the future (My proof that this happened is from page 16 it says “I don’t know how long it takes, but by the time his back legs are free he is bleating and wriggling, trying to stand. I bite the cord freeing him forever from his dyeing mother.”) and last but definitely not least I believe that girls should marry young and stay happy with their husbands all their lives.

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The End

Posted May 3, 2016 by Gus in category Classes, Edson, Grade, Humanities, Sixth, Teacher

About the Author

I'm Gus Dotson, I am interested in woodworking

2 thoughts on “Daughter-raising Manifesto (Dadi Post How-to)

  1. Gus (Post author)

    I understand that she is a good daughter but she could use a bit of a firmer hand to guide her through life


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