Archive of ‘Spring 2015’ category
My Tesslation
This is my tesselation. I made it on sketch pad and I worked with Kaya. It was a lot of fun fun but also a challenge because you had to find angles that fit into a perfect 360 degree angle.
My polygon Venn diagram
Spaceship Earth
Recently in science we have been work on a project called Spaceship Earth. We had to design a spaceship that could sustain a crew for 20 years but the twist was that we couldn’t bring 20 years worth of what we needed. Our goal was to make three thing something that would give us food water a oxygen. The first thing I built was the crew cabinThis is where the crew lives. The next thing I built was a farmThe farm provides food for the crew. Next to the farm is a greenhouse with trees. 1= oxygen for 2 people. And the last room on this floor is the compost room since the waste is going to be piling up composting is really useful. The next thing I built was a water purification roomIt is a room full of water and a container in the middle. The lights shine and the water evaporates then falls into the container leaving behind anything that is bad. The room next to it is a room that burn plastic or things that can’t be composted and make them into something new. That is my spaceship.