What I want in a planner
categories: d.lab
I would want a bunch of room to write down assignments and planner 5 has a bunch of room. But I think a lot of people are forgetting that planner 10 will be stretched out onto 2 pages. Planner 5 only have 4 subjects written down and reading and writing in the same box. I think a planner should be simple and clean. Planner 5 has a lot of pictures that are distracting. Also it would take a lot of money to print out those planners because on of the boxs says your picture here. It would be hard to get everyones picture on the planner.
December 1, 2014 at 6:28 pm (10 years ago)Hi Stella,
Thanks for the post! You make some great points.
One quick note:
” those planners because on of the boxs says your picture here.”
-“on” should be “one.”
-Boxs should be boxes.
Make these small changes, update the post, and you’ll be all set!