March 10


In humanities we are studying the medieval era. One of the things we are doing is medieval guilds. There are many different guilds, like stonemasons, medicine and my guild butcher, baker and candlestick maker. We wrote letters to three of the guild master of the guild we wanted to be in. Then the guild masters looked at the letters and choose our guilds. 

My guild master is Margaret, and there are six other people in my guild. Kate, Colette, Piper, Stella, Olivia B. and Ben. We have been doing a lot of cooking. But we are starting to sew our costumes for the medieval guild pageant. We also went to a spice shop to look at all the different spices. We have make lemon chicken and fava beans. But we have also done some baking. We have to make a medieval baked treat for the medieval pageant, so some of us have brought in some food for people in our guild to try. Some of the food that we have brought in:

Date pie (Kate and I made it , it wasn’t very good)

Pear pie (Colette made it, it was good)

Apple honey mush (Ben made it, that was also good)

Second attempts:

Honey cookies (Kate and I made them, they were really good)

Fried dough balls (Ben made them, they were really good too)

Fruit pie (Olivia B. made it, that was good too)

We are also sewing as I said before, we are doing embroidery and we are starting to make our costumes. I have kind of been teaching a little bit of the sewing part. We started by pleating our skirts.  And next time we are going to start sewing it. I helped Margaret find out how we are going to make the sleeves puffy.

At the end of the time we write in our note books, we write everything that we did and these are going to be on display at the pageant.

I have a lot of fun during guilds and I would love to do it everyday!



November 6

Take home test

We did a take home test for math class. This was good because we got more time but it was also bad because Ashoken was at the same time we got to do it so we had less time than we would. I did it in two big chunks, one right before Ashoken and one after. This test didn’t go as well as I wanted it to, but I think that now if I do more of the practice sheets I’ll do better on the next test.1446825313507.7

November 6

Pop Quiz

The pop quizzes didn’t started out that well. I got ones and twos. Then I started to practice and now I feel like I am doing a lot better.  Also I found that doing little problems on scraps of paper when I have nothing to do helps a lot. I also look at the last quiz I did and see what I did wrong so I can fix it next time. I’m not saying that I get everything perfect every time, but I think that’s ok because I can learn from my mistakes.1446824731690.3

November 6



I think that at first I was doing pretty well, but now I have been forgetting and I really need to start doing it more. I think that just work a little harder I can be finished soon. I think that one of the things that I know that it is timed and that makes me nervous and I can’t think strait.

October 12

Math Notebook

Befor                                                                     After

Photo on 10-12-15 at 7.08 AM #2 Photo on 10-12-15 at 7.09 AM
At First I tried to cram everything in the page but Margaret said that it was not clear. The next time I made it more spaced out and that way it is easier to read.  This is important because when you, a Teacher is reading your work or you showing your work to the class  it is hard to read and also it looks so much nicer. One of the thing that I think I could work on is making all the numbers closer in size