I think that an Atom looks like this because when i imagine a atom it reminds me of a person throwing a boomerang , the ball goes around and around the atom on a ring. This was a little challenging because i was thinking the whole time and sometimes what i thought was an atom kept changing. It was also exciting to see everyones different atom would be.
I think that you did a great job ,but you might have try to put a little more detail. I still think you did an amazing job!
I really like how you explained how you picture an atom like a boomerang. Also, you forgot to capitalize the i.
My place in history is kind of between 20th century and Ernie rutherford’s theory. One of my accuracies was having electrons on the rings around the Atom.One of my inaccuracies was having one ball in the middle of the ring.
Please try to add some more description to your original post. Think about the following questions while adding more detail:
– Why did you think an atom looks like this?
– What was challenging or exciting about building an atom?