These are some division and multiplication problems that we did during class. I am proud of them because I normally get stuck on division problems but after Ana showed us a new strategy to solve the problem I could figure it out with out being stuck. You will be able to see the way I solved these problems in the picture.
Category Archives: Family Conferences
My Polygon Venn Diagram
This is my polygon venn diagram. It has all different categories of where the shapes will go. Also most of the circles go into circles, that means they go into that category but they also go into a different category. The reason why the triangle doesn’t go into the quadrilateral is because a triangle doesn’t have four sides and a triangle angle sum is 180 and all quadrilaterals is 360.
My Tessellations
This is my GSP tessellation. A tessellation is a shape that can repeat over and over again and it will never stop going until you decide to stop. Most of the time if you have more than 4 or 4 shapes put together they make a shape from all the sides put together. My tessellation has squares, rhombuses and triangles. I made all of these shapes in GSP. GSP stands for Geometers Sketchpad.
20 Year Spaceship
These Pictures are the spaceship I designed for the 20 year spaceship people. The picture on the right is my crew cabin. It has I think everything you need to last for 20 years besides food, oxygen and water because that is going to be on the second floor. I have a few bathrooms, bedrooms, exercising rooms, living rooms, a library, a music room and a lot more. The second floor has oxygen, food and water for the 20 year people. I think that the people will last for 20 years in this spaceship
My Gymnastics Teammates +(Erasable pens and Highlighters)
My Gymnastics teammates are basically like my family members because I spend everyday with them except Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday. In gymnastics we get homework break because when we get home it is almost 9:00pm. Gymnastics ends at 8:00pm. Usually we don’t get a lot of time to do homework when we get home, so that is why we get homework break. So, at homework break at practice everybody asks me for my erasable pens and highlighters. Sometimes one of my coaches has to tell us to be quiet because we are too loud. I didn’t get to give them the pens until Monday December 1, 2014. Everybody was so excited that I brought them because they have been waiting since September or October. One of my teammates/ best friend Payton wasn’t there because she had Pneumonia. Since Payton had pneumonia she had to stay out of practice for almost 2 weeks. All of my teammates didn’t know that. Most of us sent her text messages asking if she was okay. When Payton came back she didn’t ask for them because she still wasn’t feeling so well and wasn’t exactly herself that day. When I gave them to her she was excited. My other teammate Morgan E was waiting for the turquoise highlighter for a very long time and when I brought them to her she said “Never mind, can I actually have a pink one?” I said yes and then she said “My teacher said I need to have a black clicker pen so can I actually have that instead?” So instead of the pink highlighter or the turquoise highlighter I gave her a boring black clicker erasable pen.
The Iceland Adventure
I was waiting with my dad, standing with our suitcases. Dora and her family came up the escalator. It was so exciting. When everyone was off the escalator we all said “Hello!” Alma didn’t come, she was going to Canada. Soon we got on the plane and I thought back to the last time I went on an airplane going to Boulder, Colorado. I was kind of lonely because I was only with my parents and I wasn’t with a friend. I was also thinking that I was really not excited to go on the plane because there was nothing really to do.
So this time I went on the plane I could enjoy it because I was with a friend. Soon the plane left. I sat with my dad and then I sat with Dora. We ate mini oreos and watched a show that Dora loves called ‘The Middle.’ I was just watching and eating oreos it was fun. Then the plane landed I was so excited I didn’t know I was actually going to go to Iceland and then here I was!
Iceland is four hours ahead from New York time. Since all of us were hungry we got yogurt. It was so good, it was probably the best yogurt I have ever had. Then I went to my hotel room and Dora went to hers. I was on floor 4 and Dora was on floor 7 and so was Leo. Leo got his own room and Dora and her parents shared a room. Me and Dora wanted our own rooms like Leo.
The next morning we went to the breakfast buffet and ate breakfast. Then we took Doras car to the town. Since me and Dora really wanted hotdogs we got one. People say that Icelandic hot dogs are the best. Dora has also been telling me that they were so good and they were.
Then we went to a little cafe so my dad and Doras parents could get coffee. We went back to the hotel to get ready to go swimming. The pool was so cool. It was warm and there was a waterslide with disco lights and Leo would say “Olivia catch” He was saying catch to catch his goggles and then I would throw them back to him on the waterslide, but if I didn’t catch it, it would go down the waterslide. Normally how the order of going on was Me, Dora then Leo. I would also play basketball in the pool. There also was a little playground in the pool and you would stand on these floaties and then your would hold onto the ropes on top and then Leo would try to shake us off. It was really fun. The pool was also warm so when you went in you wouldn’t feel really cold. SInce Iceland is cold in the summer, when you walk out of the changing room to go into the pool it is really cold so there is a hot tub so it makes you feel warm.
Besides the big waterslide there were two other really fun waterslides, they were a lot smaller but still fun. One of them was shaped like a snake and it would go super speedy fast and the other things around you looked blurry. The other waterslide would go down and then scoop up so you would fly into the air and then land into the pool. Leo would tell me and Dora to do a contest of who could have the bigger splash coming of the waterslide. I think that me and Dora tied or she won. After a few days it was time to go. It was sad saying bye to Dora, I wouldn’t be able to see her in 2 months. Soon I had to go on the plane. I wanted to stay in Iceland. Then I went home and went to sleep at 12:00. Then I said that was on of the best trips I have ever had.
Math Puzzles
This is my puzzle. It is probably about a level 1 or 2
My number is even.
My number can make a square array.
My number is a multiple of 52.
My number is a factor of 100.
My First Composition
This is my first composition! At first I was just playing around with notes and then in turned into a singable melody. Then when we added a second and a third instrument and it sounded good to me. It was a little challenging to make all the notes sound good together with the three instruments. It was fun to keep on listening to it because I was really happy with it. I hope you enjoy my composition!
History of the World Blog Post
On Friday in social studies Heather and Wendy passed out cards that said things like the Big Bang and the Anomoly. Then we got into groups and we had to sort the cards from way before from almost now in chronological order. A hard thing about doing it was sometimes our group would think or say “Hold on, first we have to put when the earth was created and then when the moon was created.” or they would say “Oh yeah first we have to put the cambrian explosion and then when dinosaurs were extinct.” A good thing about our group was we would agree on mostly everything. I learned that putting the cards in chronological order was fun and it was cool how I could memorize almost everything that was written on the cards from the history of the world in 2 hours.
Mix and Match Graphing Activity
In math class today we made graphs to match with one of the problems we could choose and then we would give it to Anna. Anna would give the problem to somebody else in the class and they would have to guess which problem the graph went with. I think the third problem(c) is the hardest because you first run until you get to 10 meters then you start slowing down for the next 10 meters. before I thought problem A or B would be the hardest because you have to stop and then run again, but when we were looking at other peoples graphs I noticed it was easier. It may not have been easier but I think it might be even though I did not try it yet. I wonder how it would be if you actually did all of these kinds of runs in real life?