For the past few weeks in art class we have been working on photo shopping an image of our choice. I haven’t used photo shop that much before we started this class, so I decided to try out different features and try to make it look interesting. For the background I thought the image was fun and I could come up with a fun idea of how to photoshop and add more to the image, so I took some random foods and tried to make it look like it was part of the art. The principals of design I have are pattern, contrast, harmony, proportion/scale, and rhythm/movement. I have pattern because I have multiple foods with shadows in the image. I have contrast because I have the light colors, but also the shadows. I have harmony because I have multiple shades of color that make the image look like it’s a whole, and the shadows make it look like the foods aren’t just floating in the air because there are shadows. I have proportion because all the foods and background aren’t the same size and it makes it look more realistic. And I have rhythm movement because there are people in the background taking photos.