In french class we learned about different sports, I learned about ballet. I was able to review and learn new vocabulary especially for clothing. I was also able to learn more about ballet and its history. This project was very fun!
Monthly Archives: March 2017
Ir verb sentences
In french class we learned verbs with the ending ir and made sentences using those verbs.
dimanche, le 15 janvier
Je finis un project pour la cours de francais.
Tu choisis une robe pour la fete.
Il grandit beacoup.
Nous maigrissons pour la danse.
Vous groisissez parce que vous mangez beacoup.
Ils obeissent ma mere.
Je reagis au film.
Tu reflechis sur tes notes.
Elle reussit dans l’ecole.
Nous rougissons parce que nous sommes embarassee.
Vous vieillissez, vous etes 66 ans.
Elles blanchissent les dents.
French Recap Video
This recap is talking about what sports we prefer to do in the different seasons. We have been learning about different sports and how to use them with the verb faire. For example a sentence I used in the recap was: Je prefere faire du ski a la montagne en hiver. This means: I prefere to ski in the mountains in the winter.
Crucible Essay Outline Template
The essay template helped me write the first draft because I was able to break each paragraph into parts. It helped me understand what each paragraph needed and made it easier to write my essay. I think that I was able to understand the template better now than before when we wrote the Giver essay. While writing the Giver essay it seemed like so many steps and it was broken into many parts, but now I realized that it really helped me. The GIT and ROC helped break down what needed to be in those paragraphs. And TEEAC helped a lot because there were many steps to writing a body paragraph and the TEEAC form helped show what was needed in the paragraph.
Name: Olivia Propp Humanities
7th Grade Comparative Essay
Outline for Crucible/McCarthy Comparative Essay
Theme: Scapegoating
Paragraph #1: Introductory Paragraph (GIT)
Grabber Statement (G):
Imagine getting accused of something with no evidence at all. You are being accused because you are in the lower class and have no power. And when you get accused there is no way of getting out of it. You are being targeted unfairly by that powerful person. You are being scapegoated.
Introduction of Theme (I):
Throughout history people in power scapegoat people with less power to get control. During all three eras people were being scapegoated. In the 1600’s during the salem witch trials people were being accused of being witches because they seemed suspicious. In the McCarthy era many people were being scapegoated for being communists, and in modern day Donald Trump is scapegoating immigrants for being terrorists.
Thesis Statement (T):
Scapegoating is an unfair way of blaming people without power. This has been going on throughout history and still continues today.
Paragraph #2: Crucible Thematic Connection
Topic Sentence (T): In The Crucible many people were unfairly scapegoated for being suspected of being a witch.
Explanatory Sentence (E): People who were scapegoated were people who didn’t have much power or who were caught of doing uncommon things. One person who scapegoated Tituba the Servant was Reverend John Hale.
Evidence (E): “Hale, resolved now: Tituba I want you to wake this child. Tituba: I have no power on this child, sir. Hale: You most certainly do, and you will free her from it now! When did you compact with the Devil? Tituba: I don’t compact with no Devil!” (The Crucible,63)
Analysis (A):
This quote shows how Tituba was scapegoated for compacting with the Devil. Hale was unfairly blaming Tituba for being a witch. Hale was blaming Tituba for keeping Betty asleep, and that she was able to talk to the devil to wake Betty up. She isn’t treated fairly because she is from a different country and is in the lower class. People in the lower class don’t have much say in who is a witch or not, so they can be easily blamed for being a witch. Tituba was also blamed for conjuring spirits, but Tituba was only doing things that she used to do in Barbados. One thing that she used to do in barbados was drink chicken blood. People think that the chicken blood is a charm for Abigail to kill John Proctors wife, but even when Tituba says it isn’t, no one will believe her.
Concluding/ Transition (C): Tituba doesn’t have much power so she is an easy target for people to scapegoat her. Many other people got scapegoated too in the McCarthy era for their beliefs.
Paragraph #3: McCarthy/Red Scare Thematic Connection
Topic Sentence (T): In the McCarthy Era many people were falsely accused for being communists by the people with power.
Explanatory Sentence (E): These people were scapegoated for being communists when they caused labor strikes.
Evidence (E): “During that year, more than 4 million union workers around the United States went on strike. Most strikers were honest workers who wanted better pay, safer working conditions, or shorter workdays. But many Americans worried that communists or radicals who wanted to overthrow the government caused the strikes,” (Fitzgerald, McCarthyism, 19).
Analysis (A): This shows that many Americans feared communists and blamed anyone who supported communist ideas unfairly. Most people who went on strike were honest workers who wanted a better pay, but they were scapegoated for wanting communism as their form of government. Going on strike was risky because many people could be scapegoated, but going on strike may help the workers have a better pay and safer working conditions. There was a lot of fear going around. When McCarthy blamed people for being communists, he did it very randomly. McCarthy didn’t have any good evidence that who he blamed were communists because they were all innocent.
Concluding/ Transition : There was so much hysteria about there being communists that they would scapegoat so many innocent people. There is also a lot of hysteria about Trump and his travel ban for immigrants.
Paragraph #4: Modern Day Witch Hunt Thematic Connection
Topic Sentence (T): President Donald Trump has been scapegoating foreigners and immigrants for being terrorists
Explanatory Sentence (E): Trump has banned and accused immigrants and foreigners from the U.S because of the history countries citizens have had with the U.S.
Evidence (E): “President Trump’s first weeks in office left a majority of Americans appalled. With his “alternative facts,” his scapegoating of foreigners and international trade, and his barrage of executive orders, Mr. Trump confirmed what the opposition had feared: that he will run the country like a populist autocrat and paranoid protectionist,” (New York Times)
Analysis (A): This shows how Trump is scapegoating foreigners and immigrants. He thinks that non-americans will be harmful to the U.S and he wants to ban countries that may have terrorists in them. This isn’t fair for these countries because there may have been a terrorist activity that happened once many years ago. Most countries like Iran haven’t attacked the U.S for several years, but Trump still wants to ban them from the U.S. Now Trump is more aggressively unleashing the government to find and deport illegal immigrants. Police are able to look through their personal belongings to see if they are illegal immigrants. They don’t have much privacy any more and they have to be conscious so the police won’t call them out.
Concluding/ Transition (C): Many immigrants whose countries are banned from the U.S can lose their jobs and get separated from their families because Trump is deporting them back to their countries. Many people have left their country because of fear and danger and have made a new life in the U.S, but now people who have left their country because it wasn’t safe there have to live there again feeling unsafe and scared.
Paragraph #5: Concluding Paragraph (ROC)
Reflection on Thesis (R):
Scapegoating throughout history has kept people in fear and has controlled people with less power by people in power.
Overview of Main Points (O):
Scapegoating is caused by many assumptions and misunderstandings. From the Salem witch trials, to the Red Scare, and modern day scapegoating hasn’t stopped. People in power are the problem to scapegoating, they blame innocent people for causing a problem and they won’t stop. People in power scapegoat others so they can gain control, but it is making others suffer.
Concluding Idea (C):
This unfair way of blaming people without any proof that they did something wrong. Scapegoating has caused people to get in trouble for no reason, and in the Salem witch trials, get hung and die. Why do people have to misuse power to make other people’s lives harder?