Surfing the Waves

This is my cousins and I before sufing

This is my cousins and I before surfing

This is me surfing

This is me surfing

This weekend I went surfing in the Hamptons. I surfed three days in a row.  On my first lesson I was really nervous that the board was going to get on top of me when I wiped out or jumped off the board but it didn’t happen this time! I really like to surf when the waves aren’t too big and and they don’t come one after the other. I surfed at the South Hampton beach and Ocean Road beach. I think that the Ocean Road beach has bigger waves so I like surfing in South Hampton better. The first time I surfed I was really nervous, but then after I noticed that I didn’t need to worry. Soon we settled in a spot in the ocean, my cousins went and then it was my turn. When I went the surf instructor was saying “Paddle, paddle, now pop up, lean forward, good” After I was up on my surf board I could feel the waves pushing my surf board and the wind blowing in my face. After I paddled back to where my cousins and the instructors were, everyone was saying “That was great!”  I felt really good and wanted to surf more.  I learned that surfing is not always the same every time and each time I go I learn something new about surfing and the instructors there. I also learned that surfing is really fun and for most people you will always be able to challenge yourself in surfing because if you think the waves that you are surfing are too small you can get bigger and bigger ones each time you get better at surfing.

2 thoughts on “Surfing the Waves

  1. That’s so cool! I went surfing with Grace this summer at the Flying Point Surf School at Ocean Beach too! It was so much fun riding the waves. My instructors were Will and Joey. Who were yours?

  2. I had a few because my cousins each had an instructor so I shared a few. I had Zak, luke, todd and Bedford. I didn’t really like Bedford though.

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