Getting my Own Stamp at Samcheondong

These are the stamps you got to choose from

These are the stamps you got to choose from

This is my set of the stamp

This is my set of the stamp


A few days ago I went to an area in Korea called Samcheondong. There are a lot of restaurants and tents selling food. I went to one tent where you would make your own stamp. You could customize it any way you wanted to.  Then the man who made the stamps would carve what you wanted on a little stone, which was the stamp. You could choose which stone you wanted because there were designs on all of them. I asked the man to carve my English name and my Korean name on the stamp. After he would stamp two really special types of ink with the stamp you made and then I picked a little bag for it. I learned that a lot of korean people have their own stamp, so if you need to sign a paper they use their stamp instead of a signature. (The words on the stamp mean, lets dream high.)