The Iceland Adventure

I was waiting with my dad, standing with our suitcases. Dora and her family came up the escalator. It was so exciting. When everyone was off the escalator we all said “Hello!” Alma didn’t come, she was going to Canada. Soon we got on the plane and I thought back to the last time I went on an airplane going to Boulder, Colorado. I was kind of lonely because I was only with my parents and I wasn’t with a friend. I was also thinking that I was really not excited to go on the plane because there was nothing really to do.

So this time I went on the plane I could enjoy it because I was with a friend. Soon the plane left. I sat with my dad and then I sat with Dora. We ate mini oreos and watched a show that Dora loves called ‘The Middle.’ I was just watching and eating oreos it was fun. Then the plane landed I was so excited I didn’t know I was actually going to go to Iceland and then here I was!

Iceland is four hours ahead from New York time. Since all of us were hungry we got yogurt. It was so good, it was probably the best yogurt I have ever had. Then I went to my hotel room and Dora went to hers. I was on floor 4 and Dora was on floor 7 and so was Leo. Leo got his own room and Dora and her parents shared a room. Me and Dora wanted our own rooms like Leo.

The next morning we went to the breakfast buffet and ate breakfast. Then we took Doras car to the town. Since me and Dora really wanted hotdogs we got one. People say that Icelandic hot dogs are the best. Dora has also been telling me that they were so good and they were.

Then we went to a little cafe so my dad and Doras parents could get coffee. We went back to the hotel to get ready to go swimming. The pool was so cool. It was warm and there was a waterslide with disco lights and Leo would say “Olivia catch” He was saying catch to catch his goggles and then I would throw them back to him on the waterslide, but if I didn’t catch it, it would go down the waterslide. Normally how the order of going on was Me, Dora then Leo.  I would also play basketball in the pool. There also was a little playground in the pool and you would stand on these floaties and then your would hold onto the ropes on top and then Leo would try to shake us off. It was really fun. The pool was also warm so when you went in you wouldn’t feel really cold. SInce Iceland is cold in the summer, when you walk out of the changing room to go into the pool it is really cold so there is a hot tub so it makes you feel warm.

Besides the big waterslide there were two other really fun waterslides, they were a lot smaller but still fun. One of them was shaped like a snake and it would go super speedy fast and the other things around you looked blurry. The other waterslide would go down and then scoop up so you would fly into the air and then land into the pool. Leo would tell me and Dora to do a contest of who could have the bigger splash coming of the waterslide. I think that me and Dora tied or she won. After a few days it was time to go. It was sad saying bye to Dora, I wouldn’t be able to see her in 2 months.  Soon I had to go on the plane. I wanted to stay in Iceland. Then I went home and went to sleep at 12:00. Then I said that was on of the best trips I have ever had.

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