Imagine the Future

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“When you were in lower school, what was soemthing that you were excited about for fifth grade? How do you feel about it now that you’ve done it?
What was something about fifth grade that you were a little nervous or worried about? How do you feel about it now?
What is something about which you are still a little nervous or worried? What might you do to feel a little less nervous or worried?
What is something that you haven’t done yet in middle school about which you are excited? What are you excited about it?”

In lower school I was excited to be able to walk to my own classes in fifth grade. I feel very responsible now that I’ve done it because it’s your responsibility to get to class on time and have everything you need.

I was worried about the amount of homework because I thought that we would be getting a lot. Now I am not that worried because we don’t have an overwhelming amount of homework.

I’m excited to join the varsity teams in 7th and 8th grade because I’ll be able to play sports I love with my friends and compete.


Population Graph!

Screen Shot 2014-10-18 at 3.50.51 PMThis is a picture of my population graph. The axis represent time and the population of the world. We had to start the time axis from 100,000 B.C.E. (before common era.) What number we were going to skip count by (I did every 5,000 years) was up to us. Today the population is a little over 7 billion people. What really changed my data points was when Ana said that 5,000 B.C.E. there were only 5 million people. It changed my data points because I thought that the population wouldn’t even be that low. The population was not that high until the mid 1800s when we hit our first billion. That changed my graph a lot.

History of the World

Screen Shot 2014-10-12 at 6.24.04 PMIn Social Studies last Friday, Heather and Wendy split my split into groups. Each group was given a small pile of the index cards that everyone wrote a part in history. We had to put those cards in chronological order. Once your group was done, your group would check other tables and make suggestions.

It was a little hard when your group had all these cards and you had them spread out when you first started because you had to find the very first thing that happened in history with the cards you had.

When my group and I were putting the cards in order, I learned that the Cambrian Explosion was before the dinosaurs were alive. The dinosaurs emerged from the Permian Extinction. 185 million years later, all the dinosaurs went extinct when a 6 mile astroid hit the earth.


My Atom!

Screen Shot 2014-10-08 at 9.14.59 AMThis is what I think an atom looks like. I have seen little glimpses of models of atoms or molecules before we were assigned to make this so that’s where I got my idea. After I made the blue rings around the yellow sphere, I thought that maybe atoms wouldn’t be so open so I put a little clear circle around it. I really liked how we got to use tinker cad in science to make models instead of making it with our hands. A challenge that I had with tinker cad is, absolutely nothing! I found it very easy to use and I felt that I could get very creative!

20 Meter Graphs!

ADH5-graphsIn Math class Ana told us to make graphs for a race that will be 20 meters. We could do it any time but it had to represent 20 meters. I thought that one of the graphs in story b were inaccurate because they started out at 5 meters and one of them stopped for 4 seconds. The one that is red that is put in a doesn’t make sense because it goes straight the whole time. Lastly in C, most of them are accurate except for the bottom left graph because it goes straight up in 5 seconds even though you are slowing down as you get to the finish line. 



My Ideas for the New Planner!

In d.lab, Clair assigned us to make a post about our ideas for the new planner. Here are some of mine:

We can use the Google Cardboard concept to make a planner where you see all your homework laid out in front of you. (Google Cardboard are these goggles made out of cardboard and you can hook your goggles up to a device and when you put them on, you feel like you’re in the movie.)

Every week 2-3 kids get picked randomly to customize the planner on photoshop that can hold space for  homework info for the amount of 10 days (2 weeks of school.)

Those are my ideas for the new planner!


My Summer!

814-1404575236-688234This summer was amazing! For the first half of the summer I went to my sleep away camp , Wavus camp for girls, for 3 1/2 weeks! I saw a bunch of my old friends from last year and met new friends! That picture is from our trip to Mt. Blue State Park in Maine. After camp, I went to the Hamptons for the rest of the summer! I learned how to surf, I got a boogie board, and I saw my family and friends. Overall, it was the best summer ever.