It’s Just a Piece of Plastic…

It’s the end of the summer so I have one and a half weeks left. Grace invited me to a huge end of the summer Slip n’ Slide party! The people I knew there were Tilda, Piper, Grace, and Olivia Berger.


I thought the Slip n’ Slide would be one of those long pieces of plastic that you lay on a hill in your backyard. But when I got there I was in for a surprise. I looked at the Slip n’ Slide and my jaw dropped. I honestly have never seen a Slip n’ Slide this big in my life. You know bouncey houses? It was a little bigger than an average bouncey house.


Anyway, Tilda and I would go down the slip n’ slide  together every time. We would also come up with fun and tricky challenges! One of them was twist on your back two times, then tuck on your back. When Tilda and I were about to go Tilda looked nervous. I saw that Grace was about to push her down the slip n’ slide so I jumped onto the slip n’ slide. I did it! So did Tilda but she almost fell at the end…

A bunch of people were doing forward rolls instead of just pushing themselves so I told Tilda, “Why not?”. It reminded me of two years ago at camp, and I was trying the target jump for the first time. I was so scared. My friends were cheering me on so I had to do it. I couldn’t hold up the line for too long… I jumped and it was so scary but I did it!


Back at the slip n’ slide, everyone sounded like the grownups in Charlie Brown, “Mraw, mraw, mraw, mraw, mraw, mraw.” waiting in line for their turn. The water beating down on the plastic made everyone’s voices muffled. It sounded like rain on a sunny day. Tilda counted down, “Three, two, one!” I did touch my feet to the roof of the Slip n’ Slide but I didn’t fall. As soon as my hands touched the wet, slippery plastic I could feel the water going on my back. I was sliding so fast I couldn’t even see where I was going. I did the tricks that I was supposed to do. I was so scared I felt like the world was upside down. Roll, twist on to my stomach, twist onto my back, tuck, turn my back to the wall. I hit the wall at the bottom just a few seconds after I tucked and turned. It was so fun! Yay! I did it without getting seriously injured!


I feel like that was really fun and I think in the summer I do more risky things (that wasn’t that risky) like climb mountains, do high things on tight ropes at camp, and go in the ocean when it’s not the best time to go in. I felt very proud of myself after that summer and you should try doing more risky things too! It’s really fun.

That summer was one of the best summers in my life. I went to camp, I spent half of my summer in the Hamptons, I went to the beach, and I learned how to surf. I had so much fun!

Final Ideas about the Planners!

We all voted and the final planners are option 5 and option 10. I don’t like option 5 because when Clair prints the planners in black and white, we won’t be able to see what we wrote down for homework because the paper will be grey. Also the pictures could be distracting. I like option 10 because it’s black and white so when Clair prints it, there won’t be a problem. The columns to write down your homework in are very organized so Clair could easily split the planner across two pages so that we have more room to write assignments.

For the covers, we haven’t voted yet but I would want something that doesn’t have a lot of pictures. Maybe 1-3 pictures. I don’t really care about the cover as much as I do about the inside of the planner.

My First Week!

I am really enjoying middle school so far. My favorite class so far is P.E. because we play games like dodgeball related games, everybody’s it, etc. I also really like Math because I really like the way Ana teaches the class and all the fun perplexing problems she gives us. I had an amazing summer this year because I got to see my friends at sleep away camp and I also went to East Hampton for the rest of the summer.

Imagine the Future

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“When you were in lower school, what was soemthing that you were excited about for fifth grade? How do you feel about it now that you’ve done it?
What was something about fifth grade that you were a little nervous or worried about? How do you feel about it now?
What is something about which you are still a little nervous or worried? What might you do to feel a little less nervous or worried?
What is something that you haven’t done yet in middle school about which you are excited? What are you excited about it?”

In lower school I was excited to be able to walk to my own classes in fifth grade. I feel very responsible now that I’ve done it because it’s your responsibility to get to class on time and have everything you need.

I was worried about the amount of homework because I thought that we would be getting a lot. Now I am not that worried because we don’t have an overwhelming amount of homework.

I’m excited to join the varsity teams in 7th and 8th grade because I’ll be able to play sports I love with my friends and compete.


Population Graph!

Screen Shot 2014-10-18 at 3.50.51 PMThis is a picture of my population graph. The axis represent time and the population of the world. We had to start the time axis from 100,000 B.C.E. (before common era.) What number we were going to skip count by (I did every 5,000 years) was up to us. Today the population is a little over 7 billion people. What really changed my data points was when Ana said that 5,000 B.C.E. there were only 5 million people. It changed my data points because I thought that the population wouldn’t even be that low. The population was not that high until the mid 1800s when we hit our first billion. That changed my graph a lot.

History of the World

Screen Shot 2014-10-12 at 6.24.04 PMIn Social Studies last Friday, Heather and Wendy split my split into groups. Each group was given a small pile of the index cards that everyone wrote a part in history. We had to put those cards in chronological order. Once your group was done, your group would check other tables and make suggestions.

It was a little hard when your group had all these cards and you had them spread out when you first started because you had to find the very first thing that happened in history with the cards you had.

When my group and I were putting the cards in order, I learned that the Cambrian Explosion was before the dinosaurs were alive. The dinosaurs emerged from the Permian Extinction. 185 million years later, all the dinosaurs went extinct when a 6 mile astroid hit the earth.