This is part of my cabin who hiked Mt. Washington with me because the rest were not able to since they were injured. It took us 13 hours to hike up and down the mountain. We got up at 3:00am! We got back to the campsite at 4:00pm. The hike up was so hard! There was a lot of bouldering and false peaks. At the top of the mountain, it was 55 degrees! So cold! HIking down was just as hard as hiking up. The last hour and a half were brutal! I thought my calves were going to explode! When we got back to the campsite we were all exhausted. We had hamburgers for dinner and went to bed super early.
Author: Olivia
Counting by 7s by Holly Goldberg Sloan
Counting by 7s by Holly Goldberg Sloan is a book about Willow Chance. She is a twelve-year-old genius, who is obsessed with nature and diagnosing medical conditions. Her favorite number is 7. She comforts herself by counting by 7s. She doesn’t have any friends. It’s hard for her to find people like her. She is an only child and was adopted by James and Roberta Chance. She has lived a happy life with them until now… One day James and Roberta Chance get into a car accident and die. This rocks Willow’s world. It is no longer comforting to count by 7s. How will she recover? You will find out when you read the book!
My favorite part of the book is when Dell Duke and Quang-ha are watching TV and Willow doesn’t understand what is going on, “Dell and Quang-ha appear to be hunting for two things: Mostly they are looking for acts of violence. (They watch with great amusement as a man in a cartoon gets stabbed in the eye socket with an ice pick.) The rest of the time they seem to be stalking the airwaves for appealing females. When they find either thing, they stop to enjoy the visual stimuli. They call girls “hot.” The girls are not untouchable, like truly high-temperature objects. No. They mean attractive. Dell even yells out “Super-hot.” And I hear Quang-ha say “Smoking!” It all seems very inappropriate. There is a whole language to be learned here. This is an education.” That is my favorite part because I thought it was very funny.
I would recommend this book to people who like books that make you cry because Willow loses a lot but her new friends help her and are like a family. I would also recommend this book to people who like books that they can relate to because even though Willow has a completely different life than I do I can still relate to her loss. Lastly, I would like to recommend this book to people who don’t stop reading if it doesn’t seem interesting at first because it is a little slow in the beginning but then it gets really good. I rate this book 41/2 stars!
Stop Yulin 2015
Margaret and I had a bake sale today! The money would go to a foundation that is trying to stop the Yulin Festival. The Yulin Festival is a dog meat festival where over 10,000 dogs are killed every year in Southern China. They are robbed and snatched from their families and homes, dragged by a rope attached to a car, boiled alive, skinned alive, tortured, kept in small cages with other dogs, and beaten very badly. We raised $82.50 to help save the dogs. There are many pictures on Instagram of dogs saying to repost to raise awareness with the hashtag #stopyulin2015. There are many pictures of the dogs getting boiled, skinned, and tortured. When I looked at them and saw all of the posts, it made me feel like I had to do something about it. That is why we made an account to raise awareness and had the bake sale. I feel good that I helped animals and possibly saved their lives.
My Hero Essay!
A hero is kind to everyone, hopeful when there is no light at the end of the tunnel, brave when times are hard, and persevering when everyone has given up. They help people get stronger. Ulysses was a hero in many ways, but he was never as kind as my grandfather, John Charles Fredell. Ulysses was remembered as a hero because of his bravery. My grandfather was remembered as a hero because he was always positive when he knew there was no cure to his disease. Ulysses fought thousands of battles and killed thousands of men. My grandfather fought along with his family in the battle for his life.
While Ulysses won battles and killed enemies, ultimately, he was not a hero. Ulysses promised all of his men that they would all get home, yet they didn’t. Ulysses was not kind to Polyphemus. Ulysses barged into Polyphemus’s cave, ate all of his food, made him drunk, blinded him, and then taunted him. Ulysses also acted as Circe’s husband for four years when his wife and son were waiting for him in Ithaca. Throughout Ulysses’s journey, he has shown many examples of him not being a hero.
My grandfather is a hero because he faced death without making his family suffer as much as he did. He knew that there was no cure to his disease yet he lived his life as a happy man. He was not able to swallow his own spit without it going into his lungs towards the end. He was selfless whenever I was with him, we would play so that I didn’t know that he was sick. We would do everything that we did when he wasn’t sick. John Charles Fredell was a man who put his family first when he was slowly dying of starvation.
Malala Yousafzai is a hero because she has made a difference in the world. Malala is standing up for what she believes in and inspiring young women. They don’t give Nobel Peace Prizes to just anyone. Malala Yousafzai is the youngest person to win a Nobel Peace Prize. She has given millions of girls the chance to go to school. That is what a hero does. Malala has given other girls the voice to speak up. “When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.” -Malala Yousafzai.
Why are heroes important? What do they do anyway? I can tell you one thing, they make the world a better place. They inspire people to make a difference. Malala inspired women and girls to stand up for what they believe in. Those women and girls may become heroes. Heroes inspire each other. If the world didn’t have heroes, all of the world’s problems would be going on at the same time. No one would light the spark in other people’s minds. That is why heroes are important.
My First Discovery Day!
Click Here to see the Pictures
This was my first Discovery Day! I had so much fun. I was in the space group. We went to the Hayden Planetarium and to the water park afterwards. I learned about Dark Energy and Dark Matter and our observable universe. For each level, we had a scavenger hunt! It was so fun. In the end, it was a tie! (The LREI way). Space is so much fun and I would love to learn more about what we can explore in space.
Coding my Website!
Here is a link to my website:
I really liked the experience of coding my website because I could make it about anything and it was really fun experimenting with all of the different codes. I thought it came to me easily and I didn’t have a lot of trouble with it. I like the theme of my website a lot. I would love to do more website coding and design in the future!
My Tessellation!
My Venn Diagram!
My Operation Manual!
In Science, we are making a operation manual for how to run the earth. This is one of the pages with a universal law on it. The law is that everything is connected to everything. If you eat or take all of one species the food web will change. The cheetah eats the hare and baboon, the hare eats tall grass and fruit, the baboon eats trees and fruit. If the cheetah eats all of the baboon and hare, the cheetah will die. When the cheetah dies, a new dominate species will come in. For example, a lion. When the lion moves into the eco system, the other eco system will get messed up.
What I’ve Learned in Mandarin in the Third Quarter
This past quarter in Mandarin, we learned about the different school supplies such as, 尺子,剪刀,笔,毛笔,橡皮,和 书。Which means: ruler, scissors, pen, calligraphy brush, eraser, and book. We also studied class greetings like 老师好 which means hello teacher. One other thing we’ve learned this quarter is how to do calligraphy. We learned how to use a calligraphy brush (毛笔). We learned on a quick dry writing pad so we could try writing the characters multiple times. Lastly we learned about the chinese new year. 新年快乐! That means Happy New Year!