Category: Boehm

Math Recap Comparison Statements=

recap video

Michelle asked us to think about the different types of comparison statements that we have been using, and our work with rates and unit rates. During this video I answered two questions. The first one is how I found these ideas helpful. The second one is for me to make up an example comparing the two items using unit rates.

Mathematical Similarity Sumarry

Figures are mathematically similar when their corresponding angles are congruent and when the ratios of the lengths of their corresponding sides are equal. This is related to finding a scale factor. Figures are also mathematically similar when the ratios of side lengths within the figure are equivalent.

Any two rectangles are similar.


This is false because any two rectangles could have different ratios of the lengths of their corresponding sides.


Any two equilateral triangles are similar


Since they always have three angles that are each 60 degrees, any two equilateral triangles are similar. And the sum of all of the angles is 180 degrees. So this shows that all of the corresponding angles of two equilateral triangles will always be congruent.


Math Notes


This a good example of good math notes because it is spread out throughout the page. It is also good because I explained the equation like the teacher did. I also used the graph on the paper and wrote inside of the boxes.


This is a good example of bad math notes because it is not spread out throughout the page. I did not explain the equation like the teacher did. I also did not use the graph paper and wrote outside of the boxes. The handwriting in general is very messy.

Math Check Up 2


As you may have been able to tell, this is a math assignment. It is an assignment checking to see if we understand the concept of figure similarity. Figure congruency is when all of the corresponding angles are the same. Figure similarity is when you apply a scale factor to the sidelengths of the new figure it becomes the original figure. The first question is asking me which figures are similar. I figured his out by stating the scale factor, but I did so unclearly and at is what Michelle noted at. She also noted at how on the last one I did not state the conditions that made the figures similar.image


The next page had me draw a bunch of figured that fit certain conditions, such as a figure being similar to another but not congruent. I did these all by simply, drawing a figure that fit the conditions, just as it said as simple as that. I did this completely correct

Oliver Math Profile

Oliver          9/10/16

B                 Math Profile


I remember in kindergarten in class we were learning how to count by twos. I always thought to myself, “Why are we chanting random numbers?” I was always too afraid to ask the teacher in class because I thought that my classmates would think that I was stupid. As I grew older, I gradually came to understand things that I once didn’t know. I think this is because I started to pay more and more attention in class, and that I am an extremely fast learner. In fourth grade I had an extremely hard time understanding the US algorithm for addition, as the teacher called it. But from then on fourth, I did alright in math. I got decent grades, and I was understanding all the concepts the teacher was teaching us. Something that I like about learning math is how everything always makes sense and fits together. Like finding the all the different factors of a product, or long division. Something that I don’t like about learning math is how things are explained sometimes.


Something interesting about me is that I know 4 programming languages, which sort of gives me a higher understanding of some of the more known confusing parts of math, sort of like variables. In batch and python I use variables all the time, so I am comfortable with. I am curious if other parts of programming are also parts of math, like functions. I consider myself a good math student now because I can understand mathematical concepts easily. My routine for doing homework is to sit down at the dining room table, and simply, work. Whenever I get stuck I like to clear my head by eating dinner or taking a break, and take a stab at it again. If I am extremely stuck I will ask my mom to look at it, and if I am impossibly stuck I will call a friend for help.