Illuminated Letter

Screenshot 2016-04-10 at 8.51.52 AM       My favorite thing about this piece is the bear I like the bear Because I like how I drew the bears face so it is angry. My least favorite thing is my painting job. I don’t like it because I think I could’ve made it cleaner around the edges.

Geometric Patteren

Screenshot 2016-04-08 at 2.10.00 PM     My favorite thing about my project is how repetitive it is. My least favorite part of it is the spaces in between the patterns.

Fabric Collage

Screenshot 2016-04-08 at 1.52.16 PM       I like the fires the most because I like how I layered the different colors. My least favorite part of it is the chair.

Style Composition

   I chose Calypso because I don’t know a lot about and during winter break I went to Peter Island which is in the Caribbean and there main music style is Calypso. It was kind of hard researching my style because the only places that had a lot of information about Calypso were wikipedia and are style page.  some things I discovered about Calypso are Calypso is a relatively a new style of music. It was very fun to compose my style.

The science behind are meal at lunch.

Screenshot 2016-03-07 at 12.29.31 PM     Screenshot 2016-03-07 at 12.31.58 PM The second graph is are before graph.


Who The Heck Are You?

The first thing we did for this writing assignment was make a letter for the person we wanted to interview. I wanted to interview Rohan because I knew he was born in Jamaica and I wanted to know more about his childhood. I also wanted to know where he worked before LREI.

The second step we did was we had to come with 10 questions for your interviewee. My 10 questions were: What was it like growing up in Jamaica. How did you decide to teach art. How old were you when you came to New York. What was your job before you worked at LREI if you worked anywhere else. What was school like when you grew up. Where does your family live. how did you get into art. How long have you worked at LREI. Where did you go to college. And the last one is how many siblings do you have. Coming up with the first eight questions came easy but the last two were hard for me to think of.

             The interview was really fun because I got to find out the answers to the questions. I think the interview went really well but I think I could have added more follow up questions to his responses. After we finished our interview we had a document to out line the final writing. Click here for the document. After that we started to type the finale draft. One thing that was hard for me about the writing was stretching out to the interview because are writing had to be two pages long and I had a hard time getting the full two pages. I solved this by listing to the interview multiple times. This is the final writing piece.



My First Guild Meeting

I am in the medicine guild. The first thing we did was make two posters one poster was what we already knew and the other Poster was what we wanted to now. After that we chose what topics we wanted to talk about. I researched leeches, surgery, Guy de Chauliac, and dissections with Marlowe.

Math Class 1/27/16

26]     40 = 20% of what number?

40 = 20% x


Story Problem:  I have 40 baseballs which is 20% of the amount of baseballs there are on the  field. How many baseballs are there.




27]     8 1/2 of 500.00=


.085 x 500=

.085 x 500 = 42.50


Story Problem: I have 500  bags of goldfish my dog ate 8 1/2% of the bags of my goldfish. How much is 8 1/2% of the goldfish bags.


28] 18=  _____% of 150


18=_____% x 150

18=12% x 150


Story problem: I have 150 packs of gatorade my dog drank 18 bottles of it what percent is 18 bottles of 150.


Science Second Quarter

In science we have bin studying glucose. Glucose is tree food. Glucose is sugar. We had to present what glucose was made of. My group made a slide show with the formulas of glucose. I struggled with the formulas because there were a lot of formulas and they were complex to me.Screenshot 2015-12-07 at 10.36.31 AM

Wire figures second Quarter Art

1449497202148.1    This my wire sculpture. At first my sculptures were terrible then Wyatt  told me a trick of for making the sculptures me how to make one correctly. My sculptures is of me shooting a lay up. To get the right size we made proportion drawings. This is a proportion drawing. 1449497845327.1

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