Breaking News in the world of fashion! We are here to talk about the new trends Pakistani clothes! We will interview Phulan and her parents Mr. Abassi and Mrs. Abassi. Then, we will interview their other daughter about her ideas about her husband’s to-be clothes. There was so much drama! Someone cries, and the idea of culture keeps being brought up! What is that about? Get all of it here first at the Fashion Police. The video below is worth watching. We can give you the latest updates, and show you all the new trends! Fashion Police brings you everything you need. This Pakistani clothing can be sold.Look below for pictures of the clothes! Here is are script!
Part One
Tilda – News Caster
Miles – Dadi
Io – Phulan
Mabel – Mama
Tilda: Hello and welcome to the fashion police! We have all of the new trends. Today we have breaking news in the world of fashion. The new trend, Pakistan Clothes. Today we have Phulan (Pronounced wrong)
Dadi: Phulan (Pronounced right)
Tilda: A pakistani women modeling her clothes behind us. Here we have her parents Mama and Dadi. So what you do you think about young women’s fashion?
Dadi: I think this clothing is amazing! It is so colorful and it says her personality.
Mama: It helps her cover up, and find a husband.
Tilda: Phulan come here and show us pieces of clothing you have on. Tell us about these clothes.
Dadi: This is a traditional blue chadar with a beautiful red and black dress of sorts to cover up.
Mama: It helps her cover her face to be good to Allah. I also think…
Dadi: Let me speak. According to our religion men speak more.
Mama: Actually it’s our culture (start to say and but Dadi interrupts her)
Dadi: It’s okay I can take this.
Tilda: So who is she wearing?
Dadi: Herself, she is wearing herself.
Tilda: I mean who made this?
Mama: Me
Tilda: So can we see this chadr?
(Phulan takes off Chadr)
Dadi: Phulan, what are you doing?
Tilda: Never mind that, let’s just cut to my other interviewer.
Part 2:
Mabel: Announcer
Io: News Caster
Miles: Rahim-salib
Tilda: Shabanu
Mabel: Today we have our friend Io here to interview Shabanu! Io, what brings you to speak with Shabanu?
Io: My other interviewer friend, Tilda, talked about women pakistani clothes and I am here to talk about men’s.
Mabel: And where is your partner?
Io: She died.
Mabel: Oh… cool?
Mabel: Oh… sorry. I’m just a reporter, jeez. But why is Pakistani clothes important to us in the NYC?
Io: Well we are here to bring Pakistani clothes into America!
Mabel: What was interesting about the last interview?
Io: The dad was very overpowering, Tilda didn’t like him at all. I think it has to do with the religion. But the mom started to say something about that, and was cut off.
Mabel: We talked to her after, and she said it was her culture. Now I guess it’s time for your interview! IO!
Io: Hello and welcome to the fashion police! We have all of the new trends. So what do you think of men’s fashion Shabanu?
Tilda: I don’t want to speak bad about my to-be husband.
Io: So you would talk bad about his clothing?
Tilda: No! I just don’t want to upset him!
Io: Why?
Tilda: Because he makes my family a lot of money. And I really don’t want to marry him and it is very …. (Start almost crying)
Io: Ok…., but about Pakistani clothes, what is he wearing?
Tilda: He is wearing a Jinnah Cap
Io: What about on his body?
Tilda: He is wearing a traditional shalwar kameez,which is a robe almost what everyone wears in Pakistan.
Io: Why should this be brought into America?
Tilda: What… oh, because it is good clothing.
Io: But why?
Tilda: I don’t know, culture
Io: More about culture, huh.
This is a Shalwar Kameez
This is a Jinnah Cap

This is a Chadr.

Shabanews fashion police: Pakistani clothing from Io Weintraub on Vimeo.