
Puzzle Pieces

In art we are making art work with maps on them. My first step was fill out a sheet with my idea and then give it to Jeremiah. My idea was that I would make puzzle pieces hint the name of the post. After I got the okay from Jeremiah I cut out Manhattan and measured out were the puzzle pieces should be. I chose to make puzzle pieces because I once made a puzzle that had the map of Chicago with 3d monuments. Which I will put on the pieces in the correct location. After I drew all the pieces out on the map I glued the map to a foam board and started cutting.Screenshot 2016-05-09 at 10.50.30 AM


tt3601923-1  ” Someone had to stay,” Murad says. His eyes are gentle and serious.”

I cant believe Hamir is gone just like that with one shot of the the gun. Phulan must be devastated about this news. I will probably be asked to marry Phulan now. My brother would want me to take very good care of her. I am going to have to use all my strength to not hurt that horrible man  Nazir Mohammed. We have made a deal with him that I will keep all our land and Nazir will not disturb the flow of irrigation water. I still can’t believe that my brother is gone. I will miss him very much.

IMG_7520    This is Murad

Dadi Blog Entry #1

” Shabanu you and Phulan help auntie pack the most important stuff. Leave what isn’t important. Keep the fire going” Pg 158. I am so upset right now. Shabanu sneaked out and was almost hurt by a crazy land lord. Shabanu and Phulan came home breathless and told me everything that happened. I am going to have to send all the girls away. The wedding will be ruined and Phulan will be devastated but this is for there safety. I am going to have to punish Shabanu for her actions of leaving the canal. How will Shabanu react to her punishment? I am going to send them to Derawar. They will leave tomorrow bright and early in the morning. I also will have to get Hamir and Murad to come with me to kick Nazir Muhammad off our land.


My Poem

myPhone: Phones are great friends, but

We all smash them way too much

And then we feel dead

I chose this poem because it is disgustingly true. What I mean by this is that we are so addicted by are phones that we consider them our friend.  This poem is a haiku which means that you have five syllables in the first line then seven in the second and five in the last line. The first thing I did with my group was choose what the haiku was going to be about. Then we tried to find a  a 5 syllable phrase about phones, then  we did the same thing but with seven syllables, and last we maid another phrase with five syllables. Something that came easy to me was figuring out what the topic should it should be. Something I found challenging was the five seven five form.

Structure Fits Function

Screenshot 2016-04-12 at 12.08.42 PM

Ever wonder why a red blood cell is shaped like a life saver well this is why. The unique shape of a blood cell is very important. A red blood cell has what is known as a biconcave shape. Both sides of the cells surface curve inward like the interior of a sphere.


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The red blood cell is shaped like a life saver so it can fit through tiny blood vessels too deliver oxygen to the organs. Also it is so full of hemoglobin to carry oxygen that doesn’t have a nucleus. Sometimes they are misshaped and cause Sickle Cell Anemia. When you have Sickle cell anemia your blood stream gets clogged.

Geometric Patteren

Screenshot 2016-04-08 at 2.10.00 PM     My favorite thing about my project is how repetitive it is. My least favorite part of it is the spaces in between the patterns.


22345181206_1f4e4c6588_o     The worst part of Ashokan was bed time because we had to go to bed really early, the people over reacted, and you had to sleep really close to your pier.

The best part of Ashokan was open rec because you got to do anything you wanted to, play organized games, and be out doors.



My Trip To Ireland

IMG_3166 (1)         This is me at Dromoland Castle in Ireland. In this photo I am playing for the first time on a course. I played nine holes with my dad and it was fun.

Venn Diagrams

polygon ven diagram This is not finished because some times My work can go a little slow. Another reason I did not get this done is that my tessellation went a little longer then expected.


1429102800458.1 This is my tessellation. This is special because I worked really hard to make it perfect. This has to do with math because you have to fit all the angles together.

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