Interconnectedness of Human Body Systems
From all the body system groups one of the biggest takeaways I had from this is that all the systems help each other. They help each other by giving them stuff for example the skeletal System is the structure of the muscular system. From studying the circulatory system I learned that our body is like a pattern what I mean by this is that are blood travels in a circle and it meets in the heart, and mussel.
Structure Fits Function
Ever wonder why a red blood cell is shaped like a life saver well this is why. The unique shape of a blood cell is very important. A red blood cell has what is known as a biconcave shape. Both sides of the cells surface curve inward like the interior of a sphere.
The red blood cell is shaped like a life saver so it can fit through tiny blood vessels too deliver oxygen to the organs. Also it is so full of hemoglobin to carry oxygen that doesn’t have a nucleus. Sometimes they are misshaped and cause Sickle Cell Anemia. When you have Sickle cell anemia your blood stream gets clogged.
Spaceship Earth
These are pictures of what my spaceship looks like. Our assignment was to make a spaceship that was going on a voyage for 20 years in space but you could not bring 20 years worth of oxygen, food, and water. so to solve this problem we had to make the stuff we needed to survive. To solve the problem of getting fresh water we had to make a filter that would absorb and clean grey water. To solve the oxygen problem we had to put trees in are spaceships because trees absorb CO2 and make oxygen. to solve food we would eat crickets because crickets are nutritious and they are easy to grow.
I used all the rings because they look like the rings that the atoms go into. This was challenging because I had to line everything up witch is hard because sometimes the shape you are placing looks like it is on the shape that you want it to be on but it is behind the shape. I enjoyed this because it is cool that it is 3D. I had to think about this because I did not know were to put the rings. I think my atom resembles ernie ruthfurd because it has all the rings. Something that was acurate in my adam was all the rings and one inacurte thing is that my atom has two parts.