Math Profile
Last year was hard but rewarding. I feel like last year we covered so much. In fourth grade I remember math was so easy but middle school is a whole new beast. I like learning math because whenever you learn how to do a unit it feels so rewarding. It also helps you when you’re outside of school. I dislike that it makes me stressed. The time I get stressed most is when I am doing homework and it’s late and I am stuck on a problem. Also I dislike it when I feel behind in math. I usually feel behind because I am not very fast with math or I’m not very focused. I think I am not the best at math but I am ready to excel. My routine when I study is to first, look at the type of problem and do the easiest problems and then, work up to the hardest problems. If I get stuck, the first thing I do is check over the problem for careless mistakes then, if their are no careless mistakes, I will do the problem over. If I get stressed out I can take a break, or work on something else, or just read and come back to the problem. I am excited for this year and I will try my hardest in everything we do.
My Value Chart
The technique I am using is called hatching. Hatching is a bunch of parallel lines that can make texture in your picture. the purpose of hatching is to create texture in your drawing. I think hatching is a very useful way to get texture and shade in your picture. The use of hatching allows for light and dark shading. Hatching is one of my favorite ways to get texture in my drawing but I think stipple is my favorite. Stipple is a another way to show texture. You show the texture by dots on the page. you can get different effects on your drawing by using a different amount of dots.