Name: Miles Sept. 2016
Making Thirteen Colonies Homework
Directions: Read chapter 2 in Making Thirteen Colonies. Answer the following questions below. Use complete sentences. The following assignment is due on Friday, September 16th.
- They said Virginia was rich but they were wrong
- What are the characteristics of the “gentlemen” as described in this reading? (Please be detailed in your description). How do they differ from “younkers?”
- A gentlemen is a rich person who lived off their families money and had servants and did not do work.
- A Yonker is a an orphan or a poor person and they did all the work on the boat
- I predict the Yonkers will do better in America than the gentleman
- The gentlemen are used to everything being easy.
Gentlemen were people who inherited a lot of money from their families. Also gentleman were among the first people to travel and colonize in America. The gentlemen expected America to be magical, fancy, and clean, and that is why when they got on the boat they wore their nicest clothes. I also think they wore their nicest clothes because they wanted to make a great first impression on the natives. The other people that came with the gentlemen were the Yonkers. younkers where orphans or very poor people that went on the journey to America with the gentlemen. The younkers where also the servants of the gentlemen. They were brought on the trip because they were the only ones who knew how to work the ship. “If a younker fell into the ocean and was lost- well, too bad, (Hakim, pg.19). This quote shows that the gentlemen did not care about the Yonkers. They were only seen as servants.
- Take a closer look at the picture of page all men are rich p19 and the caption that accompanies it. How are people in London imagining the New World based on what this picture shows? Be specific and be sure to reference the picture
- In the picture on page 19 I see the natives hunting deer and starting fires and eating and relaxing.
- I believe that this is how the people from Europe thought of the natives.
- In the front of the picture it looks like paradise and in the back I think the natives are hunting
- hI think the fire is to scare away animals to keep their crops
- the British people are portraying the natives as animals
- They are saying they are savages by showing them as animals
- the British think the people in the picture are mythical creature not humans.
- this image is important because the person who drew this is saying that this is untouched land and their is magic mythical creatures animals and wealth.
- The British are advertising that their is land that is easy to take from the natives.
The British made this picture of what they believed America was going to be like. In the front of the picture I see mythical creatures, a big deer, and lots of vegetation. I think the Europeans believed that the mythical creatures represented a place that was like a paradise. I think the big deer represents a wealth of food and animals. The vegetation represents the fresh produce everywhere. In the back of the picture I notice there is lots of chaos. I see arrows flying, big burst of fire, and dying deer. The back of the picture represents how some people believe that the natives are savages. I believe that their are two different perspectives of the natives in the picture. The first perspective of the natives I think is in the front of the picture, where the natives are relaxing and growing crops. The second perspective of the natives is in the back where there’s chaos and killing.
- How well prepared would you say this group of men and boys was for the challenges of a new and unfamiliar land? Do you predict success or failure for this company’s colonizing attempts at this point? Why? Be sure to use textual evidence and analysis.
- I predict the Yonkers will do better in America than the gentleman
I think the gentlemen were unprepared for the trip. I would predict failure for the gentlemen in colonizing America. I think the Gentleman had no idea what they were in for. Gentlemen “had no time for adventure; they hoped to find riches,” (hakim, pg. 18). I think the Gentlemen were not expecting the trip to America to have peril. They were not going to discover America, they were going to get rich. I also think the gentlemen were not prepared to handle the Natives in America. If I were a younker, when arriving in America, I would have gathered a group of younkers and left the gentlemen to discover America on our own. In fact, I think the younkers where more prepared than the gentlemen for the journey. I think the younkers were more likely to succeed in America then the gentlemen because they knew how to sail, build, and hunt, which the gentlemen did not.
I think this is my best making thirteen colonies because I have a lot of class notes and I think I have good TEEAC paragraphs. In this making thirteen colonies I learned about how the English thought of the Natives. I think this was important because this was the firs stereotyping ever. The only thing I needed to work on was grammar.