The Peru trip was very fun. We did a lot of touring around. We went to Machupichu Lima and Cuzco. They were all very fun. We also visited a local school and do community service. It was fun to go to a local school and meet people our age. Overall this was a great trip.
The Teach-In went very well and it was super fun. The second one went way better than the first one. It went better because we talked for too long so we had no time to do are the activity of making T-shirts. Overall it was super fun and exciting and relieving to have done.

Social Justice has been good. We have two field works on wensday and we are so excited. We are going to the UN.
The new schedule is kinda confusing but its okay. I like it alot more then our last one because we have more PE and more time to run around which is a good thing. I allso love spanish.
Lat week I got sick once and it didnt feel great and I Played a little Xbox and read alot. It fealt like a very long week because I was sick and becaus it was one of are first full week back from christmas break.
Fro MLK day I watched Selma. It very minningful and sometimes touph to watch because they would get beaten for no reason.
The book I read is called A Long Way Down. It is about a boy who is trying to revenge his brotheres death by children in gangs. This book was really sad but meeningfull.
So far social justice hase been very hard we have been not gettig a lot of calls and emails back. We have had to keep calling and calling. We have had to perserver alot and keep working to get field works and interviews.
What I did:
We called Elizabeth Gullien to find out more information about child soldiers and whatb Invisabel Children is doing. We asked what happened to Kony in 2012 and what is Invisables Childrens future plans. We aslo asked if alot of these rebel orginizations are very week and dont have a lot of money how do they fund their weapons.
What I learned:
I learned that they did not capture Kony but his orginization is very week and almost dead instead of going after Kony know Invisabel Children is trying to stop the money flow to the rebbels. The way the rebbeles get mony is using illegal resources and selling them such as, invory from elaphents. I also learned that Invisabel Children are building cell towes that can call and alert the army if a rebbbel attack happens.
What I learned about Social Justice “work” and/or Civil and Human rights “work” from this fieldwork:
Duiring this field work I learned that one person can start a movment. For one guy in Invisabel Children maide a short film about Kony and child soldiers. From this video they maid a giant movment of millions of people. And from this movment they got soldiers in Africa. I also learned that if you get rejected once you get more people and ask again and prove that you can help the problem.
Tghis fieldwork helped me explore because got to expand my horizon about the world and its people.