Another thing I did this summer was going to Cape May also known as the Jersey Shore. Cape May is in south New Jearsy and is a small little town. My mom has a friend who goes to her moms house every summer in Cape May. This is not my first time going to Cpae May. This is my eleventh year going, I have been going there scinse I was a baby. My moms friend also has two sons who actually love to play with me every day and all day. When we go to Cape may we always go to the beach adn then the arcade. In Cape May I learned to always watch out in the attic, because I banged my head a lot when I was getting ready to go to bed. We also sleped upstairs in the attic and there was a bed up there to. At Cape May I saw lot’s of cool rocks on the beach, and seagulls too. At the beach in Cape May I discoverd a cool and big tidel pool but I diddn’t know who it belonged to. I also helped build a fort for two spider crabs at the beach with the boys and my sister. we visited My moms friends friends house who had a pool, and I also got bitten by a horse fly while playing in the pool. In Cape May there was a event going on where we got to look at all these cool animals like bunnys, turtles, and aligators, and much more. what I also liked about it wwas that it was a rescue for these animals. I expierenced holding a baby aligator and a grown one. The grown one wasen’t big though. I always have lot’s of fun in Cape May and I felt really happy there.
August 18, 2015
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