It all kinda started before the Winter Dance thing. I was talking to my friend outside of school about what came first the egg or the chicken? He replies with egg and goes on about evolution and stuff. But I was surprised by his answer. I thought the bird because the species that comes from the chicken came out of that egg and may have not had the same exact species of parents.
Later on when we (Oni, Meadow) were going to the dance I was still talking to my friend about this but then the convo kinda started to end. During the dance I didn’t dance, I was sitting near the hot chocolate with a few others (Meadow, Hudson, Henry) and I got a text back from my friend. He said stuff like how dinosaurs were a big part of how birds evolved into the birds today. This is where everything started. I read out my text from my friend and casually state my opinion on this. I state how Birds did not come from dinosaurs and how both of the species are totally different. Surprisingly nobody agreed with me. Hudson was serious about this and I was as well. So I go to Dan. I ask him if Birds and/or chickens came from dinosaurs. He didn’t exactly answer my questions. He kinda just talked about how some dinosaurs had feathers and reptiles and stuff. So I now decided to call my other friend outside of school. I call him and I talk to him about my opinion. He mostly just laughed at me for the 15 minutes we talked to each other. Everyone disagreed with me but I still think my opinion is right about how chickens aren’t dinosaurs.
What I think is that Chickens aka modern day birds were evolved from older birds. Like dodo birds. People have said that Birds came from dinosaurs when there WERE birds living during the dinosaur age. I don’t think it’s possible for Birds to have lived with Dinosaurs when birds may have “evolved from dinosaurs”. It’s not common sense. Birds had ancestors that were also birds even during the dinosaur age.