The couple first weeks of summer, I went to sleep away camp in New Hampsheir with 2 of my best friends Cloe and Oni. The camp was called Pleasant valley and it was a only girls camp. There was a boy camp called North woods and it was on the other side of Pleasant valley. At camp I learned lot’s of stuff. I learned how to be a stronger a swimmer. I also saw lot’s of stuff you wouldn’t normally see in New York. I saw lot’s of cute chipmunks, and two big fish in the lake were we swam. At camp I discovered lot’s of many plants like poison ivy everywere. I also discovered lots of animals. At camp I was in arts and crafts class my favorite activity was building and painting a bird house. Before i came to camp One of my friends, Oni and I stopped at her grandparents house in Boston. It was the first time I have visted Boston and met Oni’s grandparents. At camp I have expierinced lots of stuff. I expierinced how to shoot a bow and arrow in archery class. I also expierinced shooting a rifle in riflery class. At camp I felt homesick a lot, and I felt everything would go wrong at camp. But I ended up making lots of new friends there and I always had my friends from school too that I could hang out with. I also felt mad becuase I did snap my glasses in half during dinner which was horrible. But besides that Camp was super duper fun.