The musical is coming up. We have two more weeks until the show. The musical is the little mermaid. I am excited to be a part of this show. I am playing one of the sisters to Ariel. My characters name is Andrina. My friends are in the musical this time and it is so much more fun with them. Oni is on costume. She is helping make all the outfits and accessories. Milei is on lights and gets to see the show from the balcony. The set looks amazing and so do the costumes. Everything is so colorful.
Recently, I joined my grade on a walkout to protest for gun safety. It was really loud there but I was so surprised by how many people came. The park was packed. We heard amazing stories from different people. The signs were cool and funny but made a point. News crews came and the back of my head got on tv. I was happy to be apart of it.
In the Inca culture, a culture and civilization that was in Peru before the colonizers, they did many rituals and activities that we might find absurd today. One of the interesting things that they did that stood out to me was what they did to children’s’ heads. They would wrap their children’s heads with cloth when they were soft and squishy. They did this for a visual appeal. Just like how today you might put on make-up.
Being a teacher for a day was interesting. It was a new experience to have everyone listening to you and waiting for your next command. I also really liked the experience of being able to answer any question they asked. It was nice to have so much knowledge about one topic. I felt like an expert.
I am in a social justice group that has been really struggling through this project. I believe that we are strengthening our perseverance through out this project because each hurdle we come across, we try to overcome. We had a real boost of perseverance which I think really helped. I believe that an important aspect to a thriving group is pushing others to do their best.
For hero day I dressed up as a causal Gloria Steinem. She is a very big feminist and has be called the mother of feminism. She has written many books and has been protesting since the 60s. She has multiple inspirational quotes but one of my favorite is “a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.” I like this one because it shows that woman are perfect on their own. They don’t need men. She is one of my heroes because she has made a difference for women all other a America.
For my Karamu sheet I wanted to show the music I liked so I wrote the 60s and 70s and 80s down. I added watercolor to show the feelings behind the music. I used warm colors for the 60s and then pop colors for the 80s. I chose blue for the 70s because I feel like the &0s is a mix of a lot. I chose blue because I feel like it represented the cool feeling I get when I listen to the 70s albums I have. I then wrote down some artist that I listen to. Of course I couldn’t fit all the artists I listen to but I wanted to give a feel for the type of music I listen too. I like oldies you could say. I think that the newer music can be boring or to loud. (Of course this isn’t true for all new music.)
For my personal art project I am painting a photo I took. I am using acrylics to paint over a sketch of mine. I want to go with the impressionism look and substitute different colors in the sky. The setting is a sunset over looking a beach. The grass is peaking through the sand and a fence goes all the way down the side. In this painting I will show perspective and a nice blend of colors. I am using pink and purple mixes in the sky. I will use a dark green as contrast in the grass. I definitely think that this will be one of the projects that never feel complete. I will always want to add more colors and more strokes. I am learning how acrylic paints act differently than watercolors. I am learning the appropriate thickness for the paint on my brush do get the outcome I want on the board.
My ABC writing gave me lots of anxiety for multiple reasons. The biggest one is because I felt rushed. We didn’t have so to write it so luckily I got an extension. Sadly I never feel complete. It would take me so many hours of strong writing and revising to fully feel complete. Because of this, I always feel let down when I hand it in.
Something that I believe I can work on and set as a goal is not repeating my thoughts and checking over for tiny tiny mistakes. Although there aren’t a lot of those, I do believe that I can improve those areas.
Jumping off swings was the book that my group read over the winter break. It was such a good book that I read it in under three days. It brought up multiple problems that young teenagers deal with during pregnancy. It was really helpful to understand what emotions teenagers go through even if it doesn’t seem as tough it would impact them. I really do believe that this book helped me understand our topic and issues that will occur.I suggest this book to other readers.