I loved making this website. It was a lot of fun. I had some trouble putting in the images, but I over came that very quickly and then I put in two more images. I want to do more coding in the future because it gave me a challenge, and if you know anything about me you know that I love challenges. I thought it was super cool how what I was typing and it came up on the website so different. I think it is super interesting and I definitely think that I made it about an amazing topic. Spent a lot of time on it and I am very proud of my website.
This is my tessellation. I am very proud of it because I worked very hard on it. Here is my video:Meadow
I named this piece waterfall because at the beginning it sounds like droplets of water, then it starts to flow out. I love my piece and I have worked very hard on it.
This is a picture of my green house in FloorPlanner. FloorPlanner is a website that you can design rooms and floors on. We used it for making a spaceship. In our spaceship we didn’t have limited supplies. In this study we learned about the world. We have limited supplies in our world, we must use them in the best way possible.
The Egyptian tomb was a lot of fun. Zoe was sick so I got to take Zoe on facetime around the tour.
In spanish we had a test and I am very proud of my work on it. It was to test what we knew about subject pronouns and describing people and objects. I put a lot of hard work into it and it payed off.
In class we had to make a Venn diagram to show all the categorizes in their rightful place. I had a problem with the square one because it is a rhombus and a rectangle. This was a very fun process.